"Another One" - DJ Khallid
Here's a demo of a read-only Json lib (static 64-bit lib built with PellesC)
Lib, header, and test json file attached.
Git repo:
' Tiny-Json demo by AIR - 2024-05-01
' Github repo for Tiny-Json: https://github.com/rafagafe/tiny-json
#include "tinyjson.h"
$pragma comment(lib, "tinyjson.lib")
Macro SIZE(x) = (Sizeof(x) / Sizeof(*x))
Dim a$
Dim As json_t mem[BCXSTRSIZE]
Dim As Const json_t* json, phoneList, phone
a$ = Loadfile$("test.json")
json = json_create( a$, mem, SIZE(mem) )
If Not json Then
Print "json_create failed"
End = 1
End If
Print "FirstName: ", json_getPropertyValue$( json, "firstName" )
Print "LastName: ", json_getPropertyValue$( json, "lastName" )
Print "Age: ", json_getPropertyValue$( json, "age" )
phoneList = json_getProperty( json, "phoneList" )
Print "Phone List:"
phone = json_getChild( phoneList )
While phone
Print Space$(4), "Type: ", json_getPropertyValue$( phone, "type" ), ", Number: ", json_getPropertyValue$( phone, "number" )
phone = json_getSibling( phone )