This is
BED ... short for
It is a 64-bit BCX code editor based upon the Scintilla
5.5.0 dll. BED Version 3.69 ( Jan 24, 2025 )*********************************************************************
Are you an existing BED user looking to update to a new version?Unzip to a temp folder then replace your old BED.exe with the new BED.exe
Overwriting other parts of your existing BED folder is usually optional.
( Updated Help Folder, Updated Syntax Files, etc )*********************************************************************
There will be no new 32-bit versions.*********************************************************************
Below is the
final 32-bit version of BED from August 2023.
It is based upon the Scintilla
4.4.6 combined editor/lexer dll.*********************************************************************
BED is MrBcx's heavily modified and active version of BCXIDE (2005) by
Mike Henning.
It is now based on the current (2024) Scintilla/Lexilla editor DLL's and is maintained and
extended using the latest version of BCX.
BED is a
BCX code editor made specifically
for BCX BASIC users.
It's notable features include:
* Easy to use BCX language syntax color theme support.
* BCX keywords, Subs and Functions display in your choice of color, bold, and italic font
* Many common
WinAPI functions and constants display in your choice of color, bold, and
* Bold, italic, and font colors can be changed via
Tools | Settings | Appearance on the menu
* Select a word or phrase and Google it from within BED
Snippets (blocks of previously written code) are easily added to the Main Menu.
* Quickly get a project started using commonly used functions, subs, and more.
User configurable popup lists ( C:\Bed\Lists\ F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12
* Search and Replace text is now stored between sessions via the
Bed.ini file.
* Search/Replace/Goto Line is on the (right-click) context menu for quick access.
* The latest BcxHelp Chm and a large Win32 help Chm are included.
The integrated BUILD dialog was completely re-written in August 2022 and
now supports Microsoft Visual C++, Mingw g++, Pelles C, and Lcc-Win32.It is
very easy to compile 32-bit or 64-bit GUI, console, and DLL's using BED.
Here is a short web video showing how the Build dialog works: The Build Dialog has changed since this video was recorded )Unzip to your preferred location, install one or more of the supported compilers,
update the compiler path described in the included instructions, and begin enjoying BED.
If you enjoy developing with BCX, you will enjoy using this editor.
~ MrBcx ~