Here is a bit of background for you.
BCX has been around for almost 25 years and has undergone many updates.
BCX was first written with the goal to use the Lcc-Win32 compiler which
was the only free Win32 compiler at that time. Pelles C came a few years
later and the GNU C compiler eventually came into its own as well. Borland
released a free version of their C/C++ compiler, and the Watcom C/C++ compiler
was eventually open sourced. Microsoft also eventually started giving its
C/C++ compiler away but 25 years ago, that was not the case.
At various points in time BCX could be used to generate code that worked with
all of those compiler systems. But as Vortex pointed out, Lcc-Win32 was last
updated in May 2016. The most popular compilers used by BCX users are Microsoft
Visual Studio C/C++, Pelles C, and Ming32/64 GNU C/C++.
I maintain the BCX Editor (BED.exe) which I use exclusively for coding in BCX.
https://bcxbasiccoders.com/smf/index.php?topic=420.0On my PC, I configured BED to use all the compilers mentioned above, along with
Lcc-Win32. I use Lcc-Win32 for quickly compiling things and testing for backward
compatibility. But ultimately, my release EXE's are typically built with MSVC,
Ming64, or Pelles. On a side note, I have had to hack my personaly copy of Lcc-Win32
numerous times to keep it working with the newer versions of Windows, so again, one
of the other compilers will be a quicker route to success with BCX.
If you get stuck, just ask. We are a helpful group.