Try this batch file, PC32R.bat, which compiles .c files and assumes resource files are in a subfolder named "res" in the folder holding the file to be compiled. Watch out for line wrap!
@rem Created with BldBat Version.4.1.2 for PellesC (Console)
IF NOT EXIST %1.c GOTO usage
CALL C:\PellesC\Bin\povars32.bat
IF EXIST %1.res GOTO res
IF NOT EXIST "res\%~1.rc" GOTO nores
ECHO Compiling resources.....
C:\PellesC\Bin\porc.exe "res\%~1.rc" /i res /fo "%~1.res"
IF EXIST %1.res SET PRES="%~1.res"
ECHO Compiling "%~1.c"..........
C:\PellesC\Bin\pocc.exe /W1 /Ot /MT /Go /Gd /Ze /Zx /Tx86-coff -D__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT2__=1 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x501 "%~1.c"
ECHO Linking ................
C:\PellesC\Bin\polink.exe /release /MACHINE:X86 /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,5.01 "%~1.obj" %PRES% %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 /out:"%~1.exe"
ECHO Finished!
IF EXIST "%~1.obj" del "%~1.obj"
GOTO done
ECHO **************************************************************
ECHO Usage: PC32R.BAT MainFile ExtraFile1 ExtraFile2 ExtraFile3
ECHO Note: ExtraFiles can be .libs, .res , .obj
ECHO Compile a console mode program with Pelle's C.
ECHO **************************************************************