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Bug Reports / Re: Some small typos and errors I found in the BCX docs
« Last post by Robert on Today at 10:42:09 PM »
Hi Robert,
Finally, in the inline C section, there's a grammar error:
BCX allows you pass inline C code using a $CCODE directive placed before and after the C code.
should be:
BCX allows you to pass inline C code using the $CCODE directive placed before and after the C code.

Hi Quin:

Grammar error

"you to pass"
instead of
"you pass"

"the $CCODE directive"
instead of
"a $CCODE directive"

I'm partial to the indefinite article although the definite article has a somewhat appealing authoritarian tone of exclusivity.

Bug Reports / Re: Some small typos and errors I found in the BCX docs
« Last post by Robert on Today at 09:50:47 PM »
Hi Robert,
Found a couple more:
In the BCX vs other basics section, ASCII is mistyped with an extra Z at the end in this line:
• BCX uses ASCIIZ strings which are terminated with an ASCII NULL terminator character to mark the end of the string. A string must be sized large enough to include this terminator. For example if a string contains 15 characters then it must be sized to at least 16 bytes.

Hi Quin:

Kiss yer ASCIIZ goodbye Yankee!

Please see
Bug Reports / Re: Some small typos and errors I found in the BCX docs
« Last post by Quin on Today at 09:21:08 PM »
Hi Robert,
Found a couple more:
In the BCX vs other basics section, ASCII is mistyped with an extra Z at the end in this line:
• BCX uses ASCIIZ strings which are terminated with an ASCII NULL terminator character to mark the end of the string. A string must be sized large enough to include this terminator. For example if a string contains 15 characters then it must be sized to at least 16 bytes.
I think the word "of" is missing from this sentence. Here's the origianl, then my correction:
•   String variables and functions default to a minimum 2048 bytes each.
•   String variables and functions default to a minimum of 2048 bytes each.
The word programs is typoed here as progams:
• The default variable data type in BCX is INTEGER. In QBASIC, the default data type is SINGLE. This just makes sense since most code is loop and test related and using integers for those types of operations is significantly faster and produces smaller progams. Use floating point variables only where they are necessary.
Finally, in the inline C section, there's a grammar error:
BCX allows you pass inline C code using a $CCODE directive placed before and after the C code.
should be:
BCX allows you to pass inline C code using the $CCODE directive placed before and after the C code.
Announcements / Re: BCX Documentation Version 8.2.4, February 5, 2025
« Last post by Robert on Today at 08:02:44 PM »
Sorry to blow you up, I've got lots of feedback, all just stemming from me reading parts of the docs that interest me.
Similar to what I said about wanting INSTR's different syntax versions being indented to h2 and everything inside them to h3, I would like the same in the $NO_XXX directives section of the documentation. So $NO_XXX is h1, then $NOWIN is at h2, Purpose is at h3, $NO_BORLAND is at h2, and so on.
Basically, I treat the heading structure like a tree view.

Hi Quin.

It shall be as you wish.
Announcements / Re: BCX Documentation Version 8.2.4, February 5, 2025
« Last post by Robert on Today at 07:58:20 PM »
Hi Robert,
I've found another possible problem. I'm not sure how common it is, but one place you can see it is in the $RESOURCE section of the documentation. The $RESOURCE heading and the purpose heading are squished onto one line.

Hi Quin:

There are several of these caused by inconsistent formatting of the original text when the h1 elements were added.

Please keeps your comments coming, I need your feedback to do a proper job of this.
Announcements / Re: BCX Documentation Version 8.2.4, February 5, 2025
« Last post by Quin on Today at 06:39:57 PM »
Sorry to blow you up, I've got lots of feedback, all just stemming from me reading parts of the docs that interest me.
Similar to what I said about wanting INSTR's different syntax versions being indented to h2 and everything inside them to h3, I would like the same in the $NO_XXX directives section of the documentation. So $NO_XXX is h1, then $NOWIN is at h2, Purpose is at h3, $NO_BORLAND is at h2, and so on.
Basically, I treat the heading structure like a tree view.
Announcements / Re: BCX Documentation Version 8.2.4, February 5, 2025
« Last post by Quin on Today at 06:34:30 PM »
Hi Robert,
I've found another possible problem. I'm not sure how common it is, but one place you can see it is in the $RESOURCE section of the documentation. The $RESOURCE heading and the purpose heading are squished onto one line.
Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Windows 11 developers tip
« Last post by Quin on Today at 03:49:25 PM »
Oh this is super cool, and it's nice and accessible to screen readers too! Thanks for sharing!
Questions & Answers / Re: POLL: Which do you prefer:
« Last post by Quin on Today at 03:47:40 PM »
This is a very old topic, but I find it fascinating nonetheless, so I'm throwing my hat in the ring. I prefer to capitalize my keywords as well, but I have roots in AutoIt/AutoHotkey/VB.NET/PureBasic/SpiderBasic, all of which use Capatalized keywords, so it's just habbit.
Wish List / Re: BED: Goto dialog should default to your current line
« Last post by Quin on Today at 03:36:22 PM »
In BED ,if I press control G, regardless of what line I'm on, the default value is 0. This differs from applications such as notepad, which default to your current line. They also highlight it so you can start typing should you want a different value. Is there a reason BED does it the way it does? If not, is it possible to have it adopt Notepad's behavior?


If there is a number on the Windows clipboard, that will be populated into the Goto Dlgbox.

I implemented that feature and find it immensely useful the way it is.
That is indeed quite cool, and I find it useful. That said though, my original feature request still stands. IMO if there's a number on the clipboard it should overwrite the default value, but in my mind the default value should be your current line. I use this feature to quickly check the number of lines for example.
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