BCX Demonstration Program TabReOrderAnchor.bas by Ian Casey |
The Code
Demo showing 3 examples of tab control.
This demo was developed as follows
GUI "BCX_Tab_Demo",PIXELS #include <winuser.h> CONST LHandle(A) = (HWND)GetWindowLongPtr(A,GWLP_USERDATA) CONST GetImageListFile(A,B) = ImageList_LoadImage(NULL,A,B,0,CLR_NONE,IMAGE_BITMAP,LR_LOADFROMFILE) CONST tabPadding = 2 'adjust as needed CONST tabbackcolor = 0x00FFFF 'adjust as needed 'CONST tabtextcolor = 0xFF0000 'adjust as needed GLOBAL tabtextcolor ' = 0xFF0000 ' A = Filename ' B = width of one image in list GLOBAL Form1 AS HWND GLOBAL Tabb1 AS HWND GLOBAL Button1 AS HWND GLOBAL Button2 AS HWND GLOBAL Button3 AS HWND GLOBAL Button4 AS HWND GLOBAL Button5 AS HWND GLOBAL Button6 AS HWND GLOBAL Button7 AS HWND GLOBAL Button8 AS HWND GLOBAL Button9 AS HWND GLOBAL Listview AS HWND GLOBAL Rich AS HWND GLOBAL Slide1 AS HWND GLOBAL Slide2 AS HWND GLOBAL Slide3 AS HWND GLOBAL Slide4 AS HWND GLOBAL Stc1 AS HWND GLOBAL Stc2 AS HWND GLOBAL StatusBar1 AS HWND GLOBAL Stc1_FC GLOBAL Stc1_BC GLOBAL ID_StatusBar1 GLOBAL Tab1Page[7] AS HWND SET Days$[7] "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" END SET '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE anchor IsSubForm XMin YMin PrevRC AS RECT END TYPE CONST StatusBar1_Styles = WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|SBARS_SIZEGRIP CONST StatusBar1_XStyles = WS_EX_LEFT SUB FORMLOAD 'Notice these controls are assigned to the Tab Control Form1 = BCX_FORM("BCX Colorized Tab Demo with sizing & drag/drop",0,0,428,355) Tabb1 = BCX_TAB(Form1,500, 7,Tab1Page,Days$, 10, 12,400,270)',NULL, _ ' WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | TCS_MULTILINE | TCS_TABS | TCS_FOCUSNEVER,0) MODSTYLE(Tabb1,TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | TCS_MULTILINE |TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE) 'for colorize code by Mr Unreliable TabCtrl_SetPadding(Tabb1, tabPadding, 0) 'just padding around the tabs text Rich = BCX_RICHEDIT("A NEW TAB CONTROL",Tab1Page[0],502,50,10,300,200) Listview = BCX_LISTVIEW("" ,Tab1Page[1],505,10,10,370,230) Button2 = BCX_BUTTON ("Button 2 " ,Tab1Page[2],504, 330,220, 60,24) Button3 = BCX_BUTTON ("Button 3 " ,Tab1Page[2],504, 2,220, 60,24) Button4 = BCX_BUTTON ("Button 4 " ,Tab1Page[2],504, 73,220, 60,24) Button5 = BCX_BUTTON ("Button 5 " ,Tab1Page[2],504, 145,220, 60,24) Button6 = BCX_BUTTON ("Button 6 " ,Tab1Page[2],504, 216,220, 60,24) Button7 = BCX_BUTTON ("Button 7 " ,Tab1Page[2],504, 330,2, 60,24) Button8 = BCX_BUTTON ("Button 8 " ,Tab1Page[2],504, 330,105, 60,24) Stc1 = BCX_LABEL (CRLF$ & "Proportional Scaling to page size" & CRLF$ & "for Wednesday" ,Tab1Page[2],404, 2,2, 320,210) Stc1_FC = 16711680 : Stc1_BC = 8454143 BCX_SET_FONT Stc1,"Comic Sans MS",14,0,1 MODSTYLE(Stc1,SS_CENTER) Slide1 = BCX_SLIDER("Text on bottom",Tab1Page[3],503, 40,20, 80,180,0,TBS_VERT) Slide2 = BCX_SLIDER("Thursday Text on top", Tab1Page[3],503,150,50,180, 60,1) Slide3 = BCX_SLIDER("Text on right", Tab1Page[4],503, 50,60, 30, 70,3,TBS_VERT) Slide4 = BCX_SLIDER("Text on left Friday", Tab1Page[4],503, 90,10,150, 40,2) Button9 = BCX_BUTTON("Okay, not the greatest demo...Saturday",Tab1Page[5],504,20,20) Stc2 = BCX_LABEL (CRLF$ & "TAKE A BREAK, " & CRLF$ &" IT'S SUNDAY AFTER ALL" ,Tab1Page[6],404, 1,1, 388,235) BCX_SET_FONT Stc2,"Comic Sans MS",16,0,1 MODSTYLE(Stc2,SS_CENTER) 'The main form Button1 = BCX_BUTTON("EXIT DEMO",Form1,506,10,285) StatusBar1 = BCX_CONTROL(STATUSCLASSNAME, Form1, "A StatusBar", ID_StatusBar1, 0, 433, 632, 20, StatusBar1_Styles, StatusBar1_XStyles) BCX_SET_FONT LHandle(Slide1),"Comic Sans MS",10,0,1 BCX_SET_FONT LHandle(Slide2),"Comic Sans MS",10,0,1 'I created a macro in the demo: Lhandle(slider handle) will give you the label handle. 'Of course if you wanted to make the font larger than the system default you would have 'to reposition the label or the slider. 'Set up sizing parameters InitAnchor(Form1) InitAnchor(Tabb1, 2) CALL LoadBuffer CENTER(Form1) SHOW(Form1) END SUB BEGIN EVENTS SELECT CASE CBMSG CASE WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, WM_CTLCOLORBTN, WM_CTLCOLOREDIT,WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR SELECT CASE (HWND)CBLPARAM 'Get the control handle CASE Stc1, Stc2 FUNCTION = BCX_SETCOLOR(Stc1_FC, Stc1_BC) END SELECT ''**************** This section used in drag/drop of tab arrangements **************** CASE WM_SETCURSOR 'add drag/drop reorder tabs CONST OCR_NORMAL = 32512 DIM hRet AS HWND, pt AS POINT STATIC oldX AS LONG, oldY AS LONG, iParam STATIC TabMoveInWork GetCursorPos(&pt) ScreenToClient(Form1, &pt) 'pt now has dialog client coordinates hRet = ChildWindowFromPoint(Form1, pt) iParam = CINT(CBLPARAM/0xFF00)-2 'PB - Hi(Word, Cb.LParam)?? SELECT CASE iParam CASE WM_LBUTTONDOWN '513 Start Drag IF hRet = Tabb1 AND TabCtrl_GetRowCount(Tabb1) = 1 THEN TabMoveInWork = 1 : oldX = pt.x : oldY = pt.y END IF CASE WM_MOUSEMOVE '512 Moving IF TabMoveInWork AND((oldX <> pt.x) OR(oldY <> pt.y)) THEN SetSystemCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_HAND ),OCR_NORMAL) END IF CASE WM_LBUTTONUP '514 Drop it IF TabMoveInWork THEN CALL MoveTabToNewLocation() SetSystemCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW),OCR_NORMAL) END IF TabMoveInWork = 0 END SELECT '**** see MoveTabToNewLocation for the rest of drag drop ************ '************ this section for the ownerdrawn tab control - adapted from Mr Unreliable code ********** CASE WM_DRAWITEM ' probably tab control asking for tab draw... ' -------------------------------------------- DIM lpDIS AS DRAWITEMSTRUCT PTR DIM tDIS AS DRAWITEMSTRUCT DIM iTab, xTxt, yTxt, imageidx DIM sTxt$ DIM crFillRct AS COLORREF DIM hFillBrush AS HBRUSH DIM tci AS TC_ITEM lpDIS = (DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam 'The lParam contains the address of a DRAWITEMSTRUCT CopyMemory(&tDIS, lpDIS, SIZEOF(tDIS)) 'retrieve the struct IF (tDIS.CtlType = ODT_TAB) THEN iTab = tDIS.itemID ELSE FUNCTION = TRUE 'just get out of here if not tab tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE tci.cchTextMax = 2048 tci.pszText = sTxt$ TabCtrl_GetItem(Tabb1, iTab, &tci) sTxt$ = tci.pszText 'get text imageidx = tci.iImage 'image index IF (tDIS.itemState = ODS_SELECTED) THEN crFillRct = tabbackcolor - 0x50 'included for other tab options, change as needed xTxt = tDIS.rcItem.left + tabPadding 'add padding to center yTxt = tDIS.rcItem.top + tabPadding ' SetTextColor(tDIS.hDC,0x000000FF) 'option for text fore color, change as needed SetBkColor(tDIS.hDC,tabbackcolor - 0x50) 'text background (same as tab bkgrnd) ELSE 'not if selected crFillRct = tabbackcolor 'set normal tab color, change as needed xTxt = tDIS.rcItem.left + tabPadding 'add padding to center yTxt = tDIS.rcItem.top + tabPadding ' SetTextColor(tDIS.hDC,tabtextcolor) 'option for text fore color - if needed SetBkColor(tDIS.hDC,tabbackcolor) 'text background (same as tab bkgrnd) END IF ' '--- fill the rectangle with the normal/or selected color hFillBrush = CreateSolidBrush(crFillRct) FillRect(tDIS.hDC, &tDIS.rcItem, hFillBrush) TextOut(tDIS.hDC, xTxt,yTxt, sTxt$,LEN(sTxt$)) '--- add the tab text here -- CASE WM_COMMAND SELECT CASE LOWORD(wParam) CASE 504 'buttons MSGBOX "Yup, a button alright!" CASE 506 'Exit demo IF HIWORD(wParam) = BN_CLICKED THEN SendMessage(hWnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0) END IF END SELECT CASE WM_SIZE IF hWnd = Form1 THEN 'Skip if minimized, OS will handle it IF wParam NOT = SIZE_MINIMIZED THEN CALL ReSizeForm1() UpdateAnchor(Tabb1) UpdateAnchor(Form1) END IF END IF '****** see ReSizeForm1() for the rest of sizing code *********** CASE WM_CLOSE SetSystemCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW),OCR_NORMAL) END SELECT END EVENTS '**************** This section for drag/drop tab arrangements **************** SUB MoveTabToNewLocation () 'get the from - to tab page indices LOCAL iTab, iDrop AS LONG DIM HT AS TC_HITTESTINFO iTab = TabCtrl_GetCurSel(Tabb1) 'drag this tab GetCursorPos(&HT.pt) ScreenToClient(Tabb1, &HT.pt) 'tab coordinates of mouse iDrop = SendMessage(Tabb1, TCM_HITTEST, 0, &HT) 'tab page under mouse at drop IF iTab = iDrop OR iDrop < 0 THEN EXIT SUB 'exit if not a valid drop 'reorder titles MoveTabIdx(Tabb1, iTab, iDrop) REFRESH(Tabb1) TabCtrl_SetCurSel(Tabb1,iDrop) PRINT "Moved Tab " & STR$(iTab) & " to " & STR$(iDrop) END SUB SUB MoveTabIdx (thwnd AS HWND, idx AS INT, newidx AS INT) DIM ptab AS HWND PTR DIM curtab AS HWND, curname$ DIM cur, cnt AS INTEGER DIM tci AS TC_ITEM DIM tabnames[64,256] AS CHAR '256 bytes should be more than enough for a tab name DIM imageidx[64] cnt = TabCtrl_GetItemCount(thwnd)-1 IF (cnt < 0) OR(idx > cnt) THEN EXIT SUB ptab = (HWND*)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(thwnd,GWLP_USERDATA) FOR cur = 0 TO cnt 'get all the tab names/imageidx tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE tci.cchTextMax = 2048 tci.pszText = tabnames$[cur] TabCtrl_GetItem(thwnd, cur, &tci) tabnames[cur] = tci.pszText imageidx[cur] = tci.iImage NEXT curtab = ptab[idx] 'remove the idx tab NAME ONLY curname$ = tabnames$[idx] FOR cur = idx TO cnt ptab[cur]=ptab[cur+1] tabnames$[cur] = tabnames$[cur+1] NEXT FOR cur = cnt TO newidx STEP -1 'make room in array to insert NAME at newidx ptab[cur]=ptab[cur-1] tabnames$[cur] = tabnames$[cur-1] NEXT ptab[newidx] = curtab 'insert the tab at new position tabnames$[newidx] = curname$ FOR cur = 0 TO cnt 'rewrite all the tabnames/imageidx to the tabs tci.pszText = tabnames$[cur] tci.iImage = imageidx[cur] TabCtrl_SetItem(thwnd, cur, &tci) NEXT END SUB '**************** This section for resizing of anchored controls **************** SUB ReSizeForm1 () 'Resize the controls 'Anchor Options: 'AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorTop | AnchorBottom | AnchorHCenter | A1nchorVCenter MoveAnchorControl(Tabb1, AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorTop | AnchorBottom) MoveAnchorControl(Button1, AnchorLeft | AnchorBottom) MoveAnchorControl(StatusBar1,AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorBottom) 'Tabbed controls MoveAnchorControl(Rich, AnchorHCenter| AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Listview, AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorTop | AnchorBottom) MoveAnchorControl(Stc1, AnchorLeft | AnchorHCenter | AnchorTop | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Button2, AnchorRight | AnchorHCenter | AnchorBottom | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Button3, AnchorLeft | AnchorHCenter | AnchorBottom | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Button4, AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorHCenter | AnchorBottom | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Button5, AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorHCenter | AnchorBottom | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Button6, AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorHCenter | AnchorBottom | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Button7, AnchorRight | AnchorHCenter | AnchorTop | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Button8, AnchorRight | AnchorHCenter | AnchorTop | AnchorBottom | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Button9, AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorHCenter | AnchorTop | AnchorBottom | AnchorVCenter) MoveAnchorControl(Stc2, AnchorLeft | AnchorHCenter |AnchorTop | AnchorVCenter) 'to stop flicker each control does not paint itself, so we must update the form here. REFRESH(Form1) END SUB 'ORIGINAL BY: IDC May 2007 'FEB 2009: Mike Henning helped me rewrite this. 'Mike added InitAnchor & UpdateAnchor 'Thanks Mike 'Notes: the MoveAnchorControl function is only expected to be called through ' the WM_SIZE event. 'To use MoveAnchorControl function you will need to call 'InitAnchor(myForm) for the form and for any sub form like 'a tab control in your FormLoad code. 'also see the Events loop: 'UpdateAnchor(Form1) needs to be called after each size event 'MoveAnchorControl Parameters 'hwnd - Control handle 'anchor - a combination of the Constants below 'Horizontal : AnchorLeft | AnchorRight | AnchorHCenter 'Vertical : AnchorTop | AnchorBottom | AnchorVCenter 'AnchorLeft will just left justify the ctrl 'AnchorRight will just right justify the ctrl 'AnchorLeft | AnchorRight will left justify the Left side of the ctrl and 'right justify the right side of the ctrl 'AnchorHCenter will justify toward the center proportionally to page size 'AnchorHCenter | AnchorLeft will left justify to the left and grow the width 'AnchorHCenter | AnchorRight will right justify to the right and grow the width 'AnchorHCenter | AnchorLeft | AnchorRight will scale the ctrls position and width ' ' Similar results for vertical sizes are obtained by using: 'AnchorTop AnchorBottom & AnchorVCenter parameters 'NOTES: AnchorLeft & AnchorTop will NOT do anything by themselves ' Make the original form the smallest size you want the user to use, ' InitAnchor will stop controls sizing smaller than the original ' IsSubForm - optional, use 2 if control parent is a Tab page. default = false CONST AnchorLeft = 1 CONST AnchorRight = 2 CONST AnchorTop = 4 CONST AnchorBottom = 8 CONST AnchorHCenter = 16 'this is left/right CONST AnchorVCenter = 32 'this is up/down FUNCTION MoveAnchorControl OPTIONAL (HndlWnd AS HWND, anchor AS INTEGER, Use_Client= 0 AS INTEGER) AS RECT DIM RAW newRC AS RECT DIM RAW ctrlrc AS RECT DIM RAW prc AS RECT DIM RAW scalefactor AS DOUBLE DIM RAW hParent AS HWND DIM RAW pa AS LPANCHOR DIM nDPI hParent = GetParent(HndlWnd) prc = GetScaledRect(hParent) nDPI = GetDpiForSystem() pa = (LPANCHOR)GetProp(hParent,(LPCSTR)"Anchor") IF NOT pa THEN FUNCTION = prc ctrlrc = GetScaledRect(HndlWnd) IF prc.right < pa->XMin THEN prc.right = pa->XMin IF prc.bottom < pa->YMin THEN prc.bottom = pa->YMin IF pa->IsSubForm THEN ctrlrc.left = MAX(0, ctrlrc.left - prc.left) ctrlrc.top = MAX(0, ctrlrc.top - prc.top) ELSE ctrlrc.left = MAX(0, ctrlrc.left - prc.left - (GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CXSIZEFRAME, nDPI)+ GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER, nDPI))) ctrlrc.top = MAX(0, ctrlrc.top - prc.top - GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CYCAPTION, nDPI) - (GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CYSIZEFRAME, nDPI)+ GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER, nDPI))) END IF 'This checks for a menu, and subtracts the Menu size if required IF GetMenu(hParent) THEN ctrlrc.top = ctrlrc.top - (GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CYMENUSIZE, nDPI)+1) END IF '**************************************** newRC = ctrlrc scalefactor = CDBL(prc.right )/ CDBL(pa->PrevRC.right) SELECT CASE (anchor BAND(AnchorLeft + AnchorRight + AnchorHCenter)) '-------------------- CASE AnchorRight '-------------------- newRC.left = prc.right - (pa->PrevRC.right - ctrlrc.left) '-------------------- CASE AnchorLeft + AnchorRight '-------------------- newRC.right = prc.right - (pa->PrevRC.right - ctrlrc.right) '-------------------- CASE AnchorHCenter '-------------------- newRC.left = ctrlrc.left - ((pa->PrevRC.right - prc.right)/2) '-------------------- CASE AnchorRight + AnchorHCenter '-------------------- newRC.right = CINT(CDBL(ctrlrc.right) * scalefactor) newRC.left = prc.right - (pa->PrevRC.right - ctrlrc.left) newRC.left = newRC.left + ctrlrc.right - newRC.right '-------------------- CASE AnchorLeft + AnchorHCenter '-------------------- newRC.right = CINT(CDBL(ctrlrc.right) * scalefactor) '-------------------- CASE AnchorLeft + AnchorRight + AnchorHCenter '-------------------- newRC.right = CINT(CDBL(ctrlrc.right) * scalefactor) newRC.left = CINT(CDBL(ctrlrc.left) * scalefactor) END SELECT scalefactor = CDBL(prc.bottom )/ CDBL(pa->PrevRC.bottom) SELECT CASE (anchor BAND(AnchorTop + AnchorBottom + AnchorVCenter)) '-------------------- CASE AnchorBottom '-------------------- newRC.top = prc.bottom - (pa->PrevRC.bottom - ctrlrc.top) '-------------------- CASE AnchorTop + AnchorBottom '-------------------- newRC.bottom = prc.bottom - (pa->PrevRC.bottom - ctrlrc.bottom) '-------------------- CASE AnchorVCenter '-------------------- newRC.top = ctrlrc.top - ((pa->PrevRC.bottom - prc.bottom)/2) '-------------------- CASE AnchorBottom + AnchorVCenter '-------------------- newRC.bottom = CINT(CDBL(ctrlrc.bottom) * scalefactor) newRC.top = prc.bottom - (pa->PrevRC.bottom - ctrlrc.top) newRC.top = newRC.top + ctrlrc.bottom - newRC.bottom '-------------------- CASE AnchorTop + AnchorVCenter '-------------------- newRC.bottom = CINT(CDBL(ctrlrc.bottom ) * scalefactor) '-------------------- CASE (AnchorTop + AnchorBottom + AnchorVCenter) '-------------------- newRC.bottom = CINT(CDBL(ctrlrc.bottom) * scalefactor) newRC.top = CINT(CDBL(ctrlrc.top) * scalefactor) END SELECT 'Move/resize the window using API CALL MoveWindow(HndlWnd, newRC.left, newRC.top, newRC.right, newRC.bottom, 0) FUNCTION = newRC END FUNCTION 'IsSubForm 0 for normal form, 2 for tabbed control SUB InitAnchor OPTIONAL(HndlWnd AS HWND, IsSubForm=0, iXmin=0, iYmin=0) DIM RAW pa AS LPANCHOR DIM RAW tmphwnd AS HWND PTR DIM RAW i, cnt pa = (LPANCHOR)malloc(SIZEOF(*pa)) IF IsSubForm THEN '= 2 THEN tmphwnd =(HWND*)GetWindowLongPtr(HndlWnd, GWLP_USERDATA) pa->PrevRC = GetScaledRect(tmphwnd[0]) ELSE pa->PrevRC = GetScaledRect(HndlWnd) END IF pa->XMin = pa->PrevRC.right pa->YMin = pa->PrevRC.bottom IF iXmin THEN pa->XMin = iXmin IF iYmin THEN pa->YMin = iYmin pa->IsSubForm = IsSubForm IF IsSubForm = 1 THEN SetProp(tmphwnd[i],"Anchor",(HANDLE)pa) ELSE IF IsSubForm = 2 THEN cnt = TabCtrl_GetItemCount(HndlWnd) -1 FOR i = 0 TO cnt SetProp(tmphwnd[i],"Anchor",(HANDLE)pa) NEXT i END IF SetProp(HndlWnd,"Anchor",(HANDLE)pa) END SUB SUB UpdateAnchor (HndlWnd AS HWND) DIM RAW pa AS LPANCHOR DIM RAW tmphwnd AS HWND PTR pa = (LPANCHOR)GetProp(HndlWnd,(LPCSTR)"Anchor") IF pa THEN IF pa->IsSubForm = 2 THEN tmphwnd =(HWND*)GetWindowLongPtr(HndlWnd, GWLP_USERDATA) pa->PrevRC = GetScaledRect(tmphwnd[0]) ELSE pa->PrevRC = GetScaledRect(HndlWnd) END IF IF pa->PrevRC.right < pa->XMin THEN pa->PrevRC.right = pa->XMin IF pa->PrevRC.bottom < pa->YMin THEN pa->PrevRC.bottom = pa->YMin END IF END SUB FUNCTION GetScaledRect (HndlWnd AS HWND) AS RECT DIM tmp3RC AS RECT GetWindowRect(HndlWnd, &tmp3RC) tmp3RC.right = (tmp3RC.right - tmp3RC.left) tmp3RC.bottom = (tmp3RC.bottom - tmp3RC.top) FUNCTION = tmp3RC END FUNCTION '******************** Load some rich text ********************************** SUB LoadBuffer () SendMessage(Rich, EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, 0) DIM RAW Buffer$ Buffer$="" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Tahoma;}" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Verdana;}}" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "{\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue0;" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green255\blue255;" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "\red128\green128\blue128;\red255\green0\blue0;" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "\red0\green255\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "\red255\green255\blue255;}" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\i\f0\" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "fs72 BCX TAB\cf2\f1\par" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "\cf3 Control\cf4\i0\f2\par" Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "\cf5\ul\b0 D\cf6 E\cf7 M\cf1 O\cf4\ulnone\par}" SETWINDOWRTFTEXT(Rich,Buffer$) END SUB