INPUT statement (from keyboard)
Purpose: INPUT gets keyboard input from the user.
Syntax 1: INPUT Variable1, Variable2, ... Parameters:
Syntax 2: INPUT "QuotedPrompt", Variable1, Variable2, ... Parameters:
See also the LINE INPUT statement which allows keyboard input of text containing comma or quotation mark.
BCX Console Sample Programs using INPUT statement.
S00.bas, S04.bas, S13.bas, S25.bas, S28.bas, S35.bas, S38.bas, S64.bas, S77.bas, S102.bas, S110.bas, S127.bas, S134.bas
INPUT statement (from file)
Purpose: INPUT will input, from a file, lines of comma separated values into a parameter list of comma separated variables in a manner similar to the QBasic INPUT # function. The values in the file can be any of string, integer or floating point data types.
Syntax: INPUT #FileHandle, Variable1, Variable2, ... Parameters:
DIM P, N!, E#, L!, D$, j, random! OPEN "TEST.TXT" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 FOR j = 1 TO 10 random! = j * 100.0 * RND PRINT #1, j , ",", random!, ",", 12356789.012345#, ",", j + 10, ",", "This string has spaces" NEXT CLOSE #1 OPEN "TEST.TXT" FOR INPUT AS #1 WHILE NOT EOF(#1) INPUT #1, P, N, E, L, D PRINT P, " ", N, " ", E, " ", L, " ", D WEND CLOSE #1
See the FINPUT statement which also will input, from a file, lines of comma separated values.
SCANERROR variable
INPUT returns an error code value to a BCX internal variable named SCANERROR.
Example 1: INPUT without a prompt
DIM a!,b#,c$,d%,e$[10],f$ PRINT "Input 1.2,123456.78901234,string,12345,arraystring,this is a string" INPUT a!,b#,c$,d%,e$[5],f$ PRINT "single! ",a! PRINT "double# ",b# PRINT "string$ ",c$ PRINT "integer ",d% PRINT "array string ",e$[5] PRINT "string with spaces",f$
single! 1.2 double# 123456.78901234 string$ string integer 12345 array arraystring sstring this is a string
Example 2: INPUT with a prompt
INPUT "Input 1.2,123456.78901234,string,12345,arraystring,this is a string ",a!,b#,c$,d,e$[5],f$ PRINT "single! ",a! PRINT "double# ",b# PRINT "string$ ",c$ PRINT "integer ",d% PRINT "array string ",e$[5] PRINT "string with spaces ",f$
single! 1.2 double# 123456.78901234 string$ string integer 12345 array arraystring sstring this is a string
Example 3:
CLS DIM a% DIM b! DIM c# INPUT "Type '1' then press ENTER ",a%, b!, c# ? "=====================" IF SCANERROR = -1 THEN PRINT "You did not enter enough data" ? "=====================" ? a% ? b! ? c# ? INPUT "Now Type '1,2,3,4' then press ENTER ",a%, b!, c# ? "=====================" IF SCANERROR = 1 THEN PRINT "You entered too much data" ? "=====================" ? a% ? b! ? c# INPUT "Finally, Type '1,2,3' then press ENTER ",a%, b!, c# ? "=====================" IF SCANERROR = 0 THEN PRINT "No data entry errors detected" ? "=====================" ? a% ? b! ? c#
Type '1' then press ENTER 1 ===================== You did not enter enough data ===================== 1 0 0 Now Type '1,2,3,4' then press ENTER 1,2,3,4 ===================== You entered too much data ===================== 1 2 3 Finally, Type '1,2,3' then press ENTER 1,2,3 ===================== No data entry errors detected ===================== 1 2 3