BCX Console Demonstration Program s113.bas |
DIM A$ * 5000 OPEN "JUNK.BIN" FOR BINARY NEW AS FP1 ' ************************** A$ = REPEAT$(500, CHR$(248)) & "Hello" ' Create a data file PUT$ FP1, A$, LEN(A$) ' to explore CLOSE FP1 ' ************************** CLS OPEN "JUNK.BIN" FOR INPUT AS FP1 ' ************************** SEEK FP1,500 ' Now lets read it, GET$ FP1,A$,5 ' Grab 5 bytes near end of file A[5] = 0 ' Null terminate A$ for safety PRINT A$ ' Display it SEEK FP1,0 ' go back to the beginning GET$ FP1,A$,1000 ' of the file PRINT PRINT A$ ' and clean up after CLOSE FP1 ' ourselves. KILL "JUNK.BIN" ' **************************
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