BCX Console Demonstration Program s71.bas |
' -------------------------------------------------------- ' Clip by Kevin Diggins (C) 2000 ' Copies a text file to the Windows clipboard ' -------------------------------------------------------- DIM OrigCodePage% OrigCodePage% = GetConsoleOutputCP() SetConsoleOutputCP(437) DIM Fsize AS LONGLONG 'Size of file in bytes DIM Test 'Test if the filename EXIST's DIM FilName$ CLS IF COMMAND$ = "" THEN PRINT "������������������������������������������������������? PRINT "?Clip! A Win32 command line clipboard utility ? PRINT "?Usage: Clip! Filename ( LongFileNames Allowed) ? PRINT "?Copy any text file to the Windows clipboard FAST! ? PRINT "?Freeware by Kevin Diggins -- created using BCX! ? PRINT "? BCX - The free BASIC to C ? PRINT "������������������������������������������������������? END END IF FilName$ = COMMAND$ Test = EXIST(FilName$) ' Does it exist? IF Test = 0 THEN ' Nope ... PRINT "File Not Found" END ' Exit stage left END IF Fsize = LOF(FilName$) 'How big is the file? DIM Buffer$ * Fsize + 10 'Create a buffer at least that big Buffer$ = "" 'initialize it GetFile(FilName$, Buffer$, Fsize) SetClipBoard(Buffer$) 'Place it on the clipboard FREE Buffer$ 'release allocated memory back to Windows PRINT "������������������������������������������������������? PRINT "?Clip! A Win32 command line clipboard utility ? PRINT "?Usage: Clip! Filename ( LongFileNames Allowed) ? PRINT "?Copy any text file to the Windows clipboard FAST! ? PRINT "?Freeware by Kevin Diggins -- created using BCX! ? PRINT "? BCX - The free BASIC to C ? PRINT "������������������������������������������������������? COLOR 4, 0 PRINT " ", Fsize, " bytes sent to the clipboard!" COLOR 7, 0 PAUSE SetConsoleOutputCP(OrigCodePage) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB SetClipBoard (Text$) LOCAL nd AS HANDLE LOCAL ns$ AS LPSTR nd = GlobalAlloc(GHND, LEN(Text$) + 1) ns = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(nd) ns$ = Text$ GlobalUnlock(nd) OpenClipboard(0) EmptyClipboard() SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, nd) CloseClipboard() END SUB SUB GetFile (Fname$, Buffer$, Count) ' ------------------------------------------------------ ' Assumes a valid Filename to a file that exists ' and a Buffer large enough to hold Count bytes ' ------------------------------------------------------- DIM dwRead AS DWORD DIM H AS HANDLE H = CreateFile(Fname, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); ReadFile(H, Buffer$, Count, &dwRead, NULL) CloseHandle(H) END SUB
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