A variable is a declaration consisting of a declarator, an identifier, and a data type that is used to allocate space for storage of a scalar or array value. In BCX, as in the C language, before a variable can be assigned a value, it must be declared.
The chief BCX variable declarator is
A BCX variable declaration is made, most commonly, in this syntax format.
which, also, can be expressed in this order
As well as DIM, the following keywords can be used as variable declarators
BCX IdentifiersBCX allows the underscore, ASCII alphanumerics and UTF-8 symbols as variable identifiers.
A C compilers definition of allowable identifiers is implementation-defined. To use UTF-8 identifiers,
BCX Data Types
BOOL data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS BOOL BoolVarSyntax 2: DIM BoolVar AS BOOL Purpose:
Remarks: |
BYTE data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS BYTE ByteVarSyntax 2: DIM ByteVar AS BYTE Purpose:
CHAR data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS CHAR ChrVarSyntax 2: DIM ChrVar AS CHAR ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM ChrVar AS SIGNED CHAR Purpose:
SCHAR data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS SCHAR SChrVarSyntax 2: DIM SChrVar AS SCHAR ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM SChrVar AS SIGNED CHAR Purpose:
UCHAR data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS UCHAR UChrVarSyntax 2: DIM UChrVar AS UCHAR ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM UChrVar AS UNSIGNED CHAR Purpose:
SHORT data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS SHORT ShortVarSyntax 2: DIM ShortVar AS SHORT ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM ShortVar AS SIGNED SHORT Purpose:
SSHORT data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS SSHORT SShortVarSyntax 2: DIM ShortVar AS SSHORT ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM SShortVar AS SIGNED SHORT Purpose:
USHORT data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS USHORT UShortVarSyntax 2: DIM UShortVar AS USHORT ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM UShortVar AS UNSIGNED SHORT Purpose:
INTEGER data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS INTEGER IntVarSyntax 2: DIM IntVar AS INTEGERSyntax 3: DIM IntVar AS INTSyntax 4: A % (percent sign) sigil appended to the variable name indicates an INTEGER variable. DIM IntVar%Syntax 5: If the data type of a variable is not indicated, BCX assumes that the variable is an INTEGER. DIM IntVar ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM IntVar AS SIGNED INTEGER Purpose:
UINT data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS UINT UIntVarSyntax 2: DIM UIntVar AS UINT ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM UIntVar AS UNSIGNED INTEGER Purpose:
LONG data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS LONG LongVarSyntax 2: DIM LongVar AS LONG ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM LongVar AS SIGNED LONG Purpose:
ULONG data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS ULONG ULongVarSyntax 2: DIM ULongVar AS ULONG ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM ULongVar AS UNSIGNED LONG Purpose:
Remarks: |
LONGLONG data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS LONGLONG LLongVarSyntax 2: DIM LLongVar AS LONGLONG ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM LLongVar AS SIGNED LONG LONG Purpose:
ULONGLONG data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS ULONGLONG ULLongVarSyntax 2: DIM ULLongVar AS ULONGLONG ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM ULLongVar AS UNSIGNED LONG LONG Purpose:
FLOAT data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS FLOAT FltVarSyntax 2: DIM FltVar AS FLOATSyntax 3: DIM AS SINGLE FltVarSyntax 4: DIM FltVar AS SINGLESyntax 5: An ! (exclamation mark) sigil appended to the variable name indicates a FLOAT variable. DIM FltVar! Purpose:
☞ When dealing with floating point operations, expressions should include, at least, one operation that explicitly informs the compiler that a floating point operation is occurring. Without that explicit information in the right side expressions, the example below produces unexpected results. DIM AS FLOAT FltVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVar DIM AS LDOUBLE LDblVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVarVar FltVar = 4 / 5 DblVar = 4 / 5 LDblVar = 4 / 5L DblVarVar = 4 : DblVarVar = DblVarVar / 5 PRINT FltVar PRINT DblVar PRINT LDblVar PRINT DblVarVar PRINT 4 / 5 PAUSE 0 0 0 0.8 0.8 Press any key to continue . . . The corrected example, below, which contains a decimal point in the right side statements, will output the expected results. DIM AS FLOAT FltVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVar DIM AS LDOUBLE LDblVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVarVar FltVar = 4 / 5.0 DblVar = 4.0 / 5 LDblVar = 4 / 5.0L DblVarVar = 4 : DblVarVar = DblVarVar / 5.0 PRINT FltVar PRINT DblVar PRINT LDblVar PRINT DblVarVar PRINT 4 / 5.0 PAUSE 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Press any key to continue . . . |
DOUBLE data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS DOUBLE DblVarSyntax 2: DIM DblVar AS DOUBLESyntax 3: An # (octothorpe) sigil appended to the variable name indicates a DOUBLE variable. DIM DblVar# Purpose:
☞ When dealing with floating point operations, expressions should include, at least, one operation that explicitly informs the compiler that a floating point operation is occurring. Without that explicit information in the right side expressions, the example below produces unexpected results. DIM AS FLOAT FltVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVar DIM AS LDOUBLE LDblVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVarVar FltVar = 4 / 5 DblVar = 4 / 5 LDblVar = 4 / 5L DblVarVar = 4 : DblVarVar = DblVarVar / 5 PRINT FltVar PRINT DblVar PRINT LDblVar PRINT DblVarVar PRINT 4 / 5 PAUSE 0 0 0 0.8 0.8 Press any key to continue . . . The corrected example, below, which contains a decimal point in the right side statements, will output the expected results. DIM AS FLOAT FltVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVar DIM AS LDOUBLE LDblVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVarVar FltVar = 4 / 5.0 DblVar = 4.0 / 5 LDblVar = 4 / 5.0L DblVarVar = 4 : DblVarVar = DblVarVar / 5.0 PRINT FltVar PRINT DblVar PRINT LDblVar PRINT DblVarVar PRINT 4 / 5.0 PAUSE 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Press any key to continue . . . |
LDOUBLE data type
Syntax 1: DIM AS LDOUBLE LDblVarSyntax 2: DIM LDblVar AS LDOUBLESyntax 3: A ` (backquote) sigil appended to the variable name indicates an LDOUBLE variable. DIM LDblVar` ☞ Do not use syntax: DIM LDblVar AS LONG DOUBLE Purpose:
☞ When LDOUBLE variables are initialized the value assigned must be appended with an "L" The following code, without an appended "L" on the LDOUBLE initialization value DIM AS LDOUBLE pi = 3.141592653589793238 PRINT "3.141592653589793238" PRINT USING$ ("#.##################", pi) outputs 3.141592653589793238 3.141592653589793116 where the LDOUBLE is treated as a DOUBLE. Appending the "L" to the LDOUBLE initialization value DIM AS LDOUBLE pi = 3.141592653589793238L PRINT "3.141592653589793238" PRINT USING$ ("#.##################", pi) outputs the correct LDOUBLE value. 3.141592653589793238 3.141592653589793238 ☞ When dealing with floating point operations, expressions should include, at least, one operation that explicitly informs the compiler that a floating point operation is occurring. Without that explicit information in the right side expressions, the example below produces unexpected results. DIM AS FLOAT FltVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVar DIM AS LDOUBLE LDblVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVarVar FltVar = 4 / 5 DblVar = 4 / 5 LDblVar = 4 / 5L DblVarVar = 4 : DblVarVar = DblVarVar / 5 PRINT FltVar PRINT DblVar PRINT LDblVar PRINT DblVarVar PRINT 4 / 5 PAUSE 0 0 0 0.8 0.8 Press any key to continue . . . The corrected example, below, which contains a decimal point in the right side statements, will output the expected results. DIM AS FLOAT FltVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVar DIM AS LDOUBLE LDblVar DIM AS DOUBLE DblVarVar FltVar = 4 / 5.0 DblVar = 4.0 / 5 LDblVar = 4 / 5.0L DblVarVar = 4 : DblVarVar = DblVarVar / 5.0 PRINT FltVar PRINT DblVar PRINT LDblVar PRINT DblVarVar PRINT 4 / 5.0 PAUSE 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Press any key to continue . . . |
STRING data type (Default Size)
Syntax 1: DIM DfltStrVar AS STRINGSyntax 2: A $ (dollar sign) sigil appended to the variable name indicates a STRING variable. DIM DfltStrVar$ Purpose:
STRING data type (Custom Size)
Syntax 1: DIM CustStrVar AS STRING * 4096Syntax 2: DIM CustStrVar [4096] AS CHAR Purpose: |
In addition to the above data type keywords, a sigil suffix appended to the variable name, can be used to inform the BCX translator of the data type of the variable.
More than one variable can be declared on a single line. For example, this code
is equivalent to this code
BCX also allows different data type variables to be declared on a single line.
DIM A%, B!, D$ * 1000, E[10,10]
creates an integer, a single, a string, and a 2 dimensional integer array.
Forward Propagation of Variable Type☞ However, the BCX parser will not parse, correctly, this code
but, because the declaration of variables with forward propagation of variable type is allowed in BCX, the above declarations can be expressed as
Here are some other examples showing the declaration of variables with forward propagation of variable type.
DIM AS DOUBLE A, B, C[2] ' all variables are doubles DIM AS INTEGER A[] = {4,5}, B, C[2] = {0,1} ' all variables are integer DIM AS CHAR PTR PTR A, B[3] ' all variables are POINTERS to POINTERS of CHARStorage Class Specifiers
BCX recognizes the AUTO, REGISTER, EXTERN and STATIC storage class specifiers. Variables declared with the AUTO or REGISTER specifier have local persistence, that is, the values in those variables are lost when the subroutine or function in which they were declared is exited. Variables declared with the EXTERN or STATIC specifier have global persistence that is, the values in those variables are retained when the subroutine or function in which they were declared is exited.
AUTO storage class specifier
When AUTO is used within a SUB or FUNCTION procedure, an automatic variable with scope limited to the block in which it was declared, is created. AUTO is the default storage class for local variables but must be explicitly specified when programming threads. When invoked outside of a procedure, AUTO is processed in the same way as the DIM declarator.
Syntax: AUTO AutoVar AS DataType Parameters:
☞ If compiling with C++, be aware that
since 2011, the C++11 standard defines a revised meaning for the
auto keyword. Before C++11, the auto keyword declares a variable in the automatic
storage class as described above. Starting with C++11, the
auto keyword was repurposed and declares a
variable whose type is deduced from the initialization expression
in its declaration. The Microsoft C++ compiler has the
/Zc:auto- option to enable the pre-C++11 automatic storage
class meaning of the auto keyword.
The following BCX example will not compile with a C++ compiler default settings.
CALL UsedAUTO() SUB UsedAUTO () AUTO AutoVar AutoVar = 1 PRINT AutoVar END SUB
EXTERN storage class specifier
When EXTERN is used, the variable declared with EXTERN becomes a reference to a variable with the same name defined externally in any source files of the program. The EXTERN declaration makes the external-level variable definition visible within the block. A variable declared with the EXTERN keyword is visible only in the block in which it is declared unless the external variable has been declared as a global.
Syntax: EXTERN ExtVar AS DataType Parameters:
Remarks: For an EXTERN usage example, please see the SHAREDSET demonstration program.
STATIC storage class specifier
When STATIC is used within a SUB or FUNCTION, to declare a variable, the variable will retain its value from call to call. When DIM or LOCAL is used within a SUB or FUNCTION to declare a variable, the variable will not retain its value from call to call. STATIC variables are automatically initialized (set to zero value) only the first time they are declared.
Syntax: STATIC StatVar AS DataType Parameters:
An example showing the STATIC difference:
DIM add1more%, i%, int1% add1more% = 1 FOR i% = 1 TO 5 int1% = Count%(add1more%) PRINT "Total is "; int1% NEXT i% FUNCTION Count% (it%) STATIC total% total% = total% + it% FUNCTION = total% END FUNCTION
Total is 1 Total is 2 Total is 3 Total is 4 Total is 5
Here is the same example without STATIC
DIM add1more%, i%, int1% add1more% = 1 FOR i% = 1 TO 5 int1% = Count%(add1more%) PRINT "Total is "; int1% NEXT i% FUNCTION Count% (it%) DIM total% total% = total% + it% FUNCTION = total% END FUNCTION
Total is 1 Total is 1 Total is 1 Total is 1 Total is 1
REGISTER storage class
☞ Do not use
REGISTER if compiling with C++. It was deprecated
in the C++11 standard and removed from C++17 standard.
REGISTER is used to define local variables to be stored in a register instead of RAM.
Syntax: REGISTER RegVar AS DataType Parameters:
A REGISTER variable has a maximum size equal to the
register size. The unary address-of operator(&) cannot be applied to a REGISTER
variable nor can the REGISTER
keyword be used on arrays. REGISTER is
best used with variables that need quick access.
☞ Specifying REGISTER does
not mean that the variable will be stored for certain in a
OBJECT type definition
BCX definition: TYPE AS OBJECT p_unknown AS IUnknown PTR pObjects[COM_STACK_SIZE] AS VARIANT pName[COM_STACK_SIZE][128] AS TCHAR pStatus AS BOOL ipointer AS INT END TYPE C/C++ definition: typedef struct _OBJECT { IUnknown* p_unknown; VARIANT pObjects[COM_STACK_SIZE]; TCHAR pName[COM_STACK_SIZE][128]; BOOL pStatus; int ipointer; }OBJECT, *LPOBJECT; |
BCX_SHOW_COM_ERRORS(TRUE) DIM app AS OBJECT COMSET app = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application") app.workbooks.add app.visible = true app.ActiveSheet.Cells(3,1).Value="Hello" app.ActiveSheet.Cells(4,1).Value="From BCX" app.ActiveSheet.Cells(5,1).Value="Console program!" DIM temp_var$ temp_var$ = app.ActiveSheet.Cells(3,1).Value MSGBOX temp_var$, "value of cell(3,1)", 4096 MSGBOX "BCX COM Example!" & CRLF$ _ & "Using Office automation to manipulate Excel." & CRLF$ _ & "Program will close Excel in 1 second.","finished!", 4096 SLEEP(1000) app.activeworkbook.saved = true app.quit COMSET app = NOTHING
For more examples of the BCX COM functions see the COM directory at the https://bcxbasiccoders.com/archives/YahooGroups/Com/ website.
Related topics: CreateObject | Set Nothing | List of all COM Interface Functions
RAW statement
Purpose: RAW can be used to create uninitialized variables. RAW does not clear the memory block of the created variable by filling it with zeros. A RAW variable created in a subroutine or function is not STATIC in retaining a value between calls to the procedure.
Syntax 1: RAW VariableName Parameters:
RAW does not initialize variables inside SUB or
FUNCTION procedures, for example,
SUB RawSub1 () RAW str1$ END SUB
translates to C source code
void RawSub1 (void) { char str1[BCXSTRSIZE]; }
SUB RawSub1 () DIM str1$ END SUB
translates to C source code
void RawSub1 (void) { char str1[BCXSTRSIZE]={0}; }
RAW used outside of a SUB or FUNCTION procedure is the same as STATIC, for example,
RAW a$
translates to C source code
static char a[BCXSTRSIZE];
LOCAL variables slow things down a bit because they need to be zero'd out each time. RAW are the fastest but require that you give them meaningful values as needed. Consider this ... why take the time to zero an integer if you unconditionally assign it a value.
Type QualifiersCONST data type qualifier
The CONST data type qualifier specifies that the value of the data in the identifier is unmodifiable.
When using CONST in BCX it must be declared, on one line, with an initialized value, in this syntactic order,DIM AS CONST DataType Identifier = Value
BCX will preprocess this:
CONST SINGLE MyVar = -3.14159
into this:
DIM AS CONST SINGLE MyVar = -3.14159
BCX allows the data types in the following table to be used for this purpose.
CONST CHAR[] MyVar = "Hello, World" CONST CHAR MyVar = 0 -TO- 255 CONST BYTE MyVar = 0 -TO- 255 CONST LDOUBLE MyVar = teeny weenie -TO- SUPER GIGANTIC CONST DOUBLE MyVar = 4.94065645841246544 × 10^-324 -TO- ±1.79769313486231570 × 10^308 CONST SINGLE MyVar = 1.17549435 × 10^-38 -TO- ±3.40282347 × 10^38 CONST FLOAT MyVar = 1.17549435 × 10^-38 -TO- ±3.40282347 × 10^38 CONST DWORD MyVar = 0 -TO- 4,294,967,295 CONST INT MyVar = −32,768 -TO- 32,767 CONST INTEGER MyVar = −32,768 -TO- 32,767 CONST LLONG MyVar = −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 -TO- 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 CONST LONG MyVar = −2,147,483,648 -TO- 2,147,483,647 CONST LONGLONG MyVar = −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 -TO- 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 CONST SBYTE MyVar = -128 -TO- 127 CONST SHORT MyVar = -32,768 -TO- 32,767 CONST UBYTE MyVar = 0 -TO- 255 CONST UCHAR MyVar = 0 -TO- 255 CONST UINT MyVar = 123456789 CONST UINT64 MyVar = 0 -TO- 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 CONST ULONG MyVar = 0 -TO- 4,294,967,295 CONST ULONGLONG MyVar = 0 -TO- 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 CONST USHORT MyVar = 0 -TO- 65,535
Example 1:
The contents of the string constant, TheWord, cannot be changed in this example.
DIM AS CONST CHAR TheWord[] = "My word is immutable !" PRINT TheWord
My word is immutable !
If code is added to attempt a change,
DIM AS CONST CHAR TheWord[] = "My word is immutable !" PRINT TheWord TheWord = "Nothing lasts forever !" PRINT TheWord
the compiler will error out on the third line where an attempt is made to change TheWord,
Pelles C
error #2140: Type error in argument 1 to 'strcpy'; expected 'char * restrict' but found 'const char *'.
error C2664: 'char *strcpy(char *,const char *)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'const char [23]' to 'char *'
Nuwen MinGW
error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'
Example 2:
DIM AS CONST CHAR A[] = "I Like Dogs." ' This has GLOBAL SCOPE and cannot be changed DIM AS CONST INT B = 12345 ' This has GLOBAL SCOPE and cannot be changed PRINT A$ PRINT B PRINT CALL Foo PRINT PRINT A$ PRINT B SUB Foo ' ' All of these variables have LOCAL SCOPE and cannot be changed ' DIM AS CONST CHAR A[] = "I Like Frogs." DIM AS CONST INT B = 56789 DIM AS CONST INT C = 123 DIM AS CONST SINGLE D = 123.456 DIM AS CONST DOUBLE E = 456.789 PRINT A$ PRINT B PRINT C PRINT D PRINT E END SUB
I Like Dogs. 12345 I Like Frogs. 56789 123 123.456 456.789 I Like Dogs. 12345
VOLATILE data type qualifier
The VOLATILE data type qualifier specifies that the memory access to the variable, array or other data object is to be consistent. VOLATILE data can have its value changed without the control or detection of the compiler, for example, by the system clock or other program updating a variable.
Here are some examples of data declarations with the VOLATILE data type qualifier.
Variables declared with DIM at the file scope level of the program are automatically given GLOBAL scope. They can be used anywhere in a program.
Also, using the GLOBAL or SHARED keywords will create GLOBAL variables anywhere in a program .
All variable names with GLOBAL scope must be unique, including variables created using DIM in the main portion of the program. That means that a program cannot have a GLOBAL variable named A$ and another named A%. However, a variable named A$ and another named a$ can co-exist as GLOBAL variables because BCX variable names are case sensitive. Therefore, A$ and a$ are seen as different variables.
When declared within a SUB or FUNCTION, a GLOBAL variable, in the C translation, is moved to the file scope level and, there, is specified as a static storage class.
DIM add1more%, i%, int1% add1more% = 1 FOR i% = 1 TO 5 int1% = Count%(add1more%) PRINT "Total is "; int1% NEXT i% ? PRINT "total%,", total%, ", is accessible from file scope level." FUNCTION Count% (it%) GLOBAL total% total% = total% + it% FUNCTION = total% END FUNCTION
Total is 1 Total is 2 Total is 3 Total is 4 Total is 5 total%, 5, is accessible from file scope level.
If, in the above example, the
GLOBAL total%
is changed to
LOCAL total%
the program would be translated by BCX but the C compiler would error the 'total' identifier, as undeclared, when used outside of the 'Count%' function.
☞ In a BCX GUI program, all variable initializations must be inside a FUNCTION, SUB or the BEGIN EVENTS ... END EVENTS procedure.
Declaring Local VariablesWhen DIM or LOCAL is used within a BLOCK to declare a variable, the variable is LOCAL to that BLOCK, in scope, which begins at the point of declaration and terminates at the end of the BLOCK, procedure or statement in which it was declared. In other words, the variable is unknown to the rest of the program.
Further to the above, nested BLOCK structures have scope limited to to each nesting level.
BLOCK structures include
IF Expression1 THEN Statements ELSEIF Expression THEN Statements ELSE Statements END IF
A variable declared with DIM or LOCAL in a
subroutine or function retains, and can return, the value on exit,
but will lose it on re-entry due to automatic initialization to
NULL. This is not the case with returning a LOCAL scope
variable pointer.
☞ The only time it is "safe" to return the
address of a local scope variable, declared inside a BLOCK is when that variable is declared STATIC.
STATIC ensures that a variable's storage location and memory allocation will not change. The contents may change under your app's control but the address of the variable won't.
Returning the address of a DIM or LOCAL variable is, at least, unreliable and, at most, dangerous because when the function concludes, those variables go out of scope. Those variables were created on the Windows memory stack which is constantly changing and being reused. In fact, most compilers try to warn you of this in one way or another:
This is important when returning pointers, as demonstrated in the following example.
GLOBAL B AS CHAR PTR B = foo("Hello") 'B$ is now using the storage provided by 'STATIC A$ in function foo B$ = B$ + " World" PRINT B$ PRINT foo$("Second call to foo") PRINT B$ END FUNCTION foo (text$) AS LPSTR STATIC A$ ' If this were changed to ' DIM A$, LOCAL A$, or RAW A$ ' a compile warning would occur with unpredictable results on execution. A$ = "(" + text$ + ")" FUNCTION = A END FUNCTION
(Hello) World (Second call to foo) (Second call to foo)
DIM A! ' Global DIM B! ' Global DIM C! ' Global C! = 100.123 '<<< This value Should Not Change! B! = 123 '<<< This Value Should Not Change! A! = Fun!(B!, C!) '<<< C allows type translation automatically! PRINT "The Value Of A! = ", A! PRINT "The Value Of B! Should Still Be <123> ...", B! FUNCTION Fun! (Y%, Z%) DIM A$ DIM B! A$ = "Hello from inside our function!" ' A$ is a local string variable PRINT A$ ' On the next code line, B! is of local scope, only accessible in FUNCTION Fun ' C! is global, accessible from anywhere ' Z% and Y% are function parameter variables of local scope B! = 3 * Z% + C! + Y% FUNCTION = B! END FUNCTION
Hello from inside our function! The Value Of A! = 523.123 The Value Of B! Should Still Be <123> ... 123
☞ In a BCX GUI program, all
variable initializations must be inside a FUNCTION,
SUB or the BEGIN
EVENTS procedure.
☞ LOCAL quoted literal string initialized declarations inside a SUB or FUNCTION can be made. This will not work for GLOBAL strings. Neither will it work for dynamic strings that are created using any of the memory allocation functions: malloc/calloc/realloc. String functions and concatentations are not allowed -- only plain quoted string literals will work, like in the examples below:
$BCXVERSION "7.7.2" CALL OnlyInProcedures() SUB OnlyInProcedures () DIM A$ = "This is handy!" DIM RAW B$ = "This is too!" LOCAL C$ = "This also works!" PRINT A$ PRINT B$ PRINT C$ END SUB
This is handy! This is too! This also works!
BCX translates the following initialized quoted string literal:
DIM A$ = "This is handy!"
to the following C language code.
char A[BCXSTRSIZE]; strcpy(A,"This is handy");
For more examples with LOCAL declaration, see S52.bas S56.bas S61.bas.
CONST must be translated with the -c command line flag
or with $CPP or $CPPHDR
directives and compiled with a C++ compiler. PRIVATE
CONST cannot be used with
strings or expressions.
Purpose: PRIVATE CONST creates an integer constant that is local in scope within a SUB or FUNCTION.
BCX provides dynamically sized, one dimensional strings.
Dynamically declared strings are limited only by available memory. A string sized as
DIM DynaVar$ * 5000000
would allocate five megabytes for the string variable DynaVar$.
It is important to remember, when sizing a dynamic string, that BCX uses C strings which are terminated with a single byte NULL character to mark the end of the string. All BCX dynamic strings must be sized large enough to include this terminator. For example, if a string contains 15 characters then it must be sized to at least 16 bytes.
FREE statement
It is possible to create huge dynamically declared string
variables which can consume multi-megabytes of memory. When a
dynamic string variable is declared and used inside a SUB or
FUNCTION, BCX takes care of the string memory
deallocation code.
☞ When a dynamic string variable has been
declared and used outside of a SUB or FUNCTION, after the variable is no longer needed,
the memory space allocated must be returned back to Windows by
using the FREE keyword. It is up to the programmer to
determine at what point in the program to FREE the variable.
This must be done to guard against memory leaks which can adversely
affect system performance, and in worse cases cause a crash due to
an out of memory condition.
Here is a complete example:
DIM Buffer$ * (1000 * LEN("Line No. ") + 1000 * 10) DIM A AS INTEGER FOR A = 1 TO 1000 Buffer$ = Buffer$ & "Line No. " & STR$(A) & CHR$(13) & CHR$(10) NEXT PRINT Buffer$ A = LEN(Buffer$) PRINT "The length of Buffer$ = ", A , " bytes." FREE Buffer$ 'release memory back to Windows
Line No. 1 ... Line No. 1000 The length of Buffer$ = 14893 bytes.
Freeing strings is very important if they are in a loop or in a
procedure that may be called several times. If the variable is not
freed before it is declared again, a "memory leak" occurs with an
additional chunk of memory allocated in which to store the string
each time the dynamic variable is declared. Unless deallocated with
FREE, the last chunk of memory is not available for
use. If this happens in an often repeated loop, the memory can be
used up to the point of causing the machine to crash. Finding the
appropriate point to FREE a variable is
not simple and requires a thorough understanding of how the program
is structured.
Declaring Dynamic Strings inside a SUB or FUNCTION
Dynamic strings can be declared inside a SUB or FUNCTION using the following syntax:
Syntax: DIM A3$ * 2048 Purpose:
Syntax: GLOBAL Buffar$ * lenbuf Purpose:
Syntax: DIM LOCAL A4$ * 1 Purpose:
Syntax: LOCAL A5$ * 1024 Purpose:
☞ BCX uses C strings which are terminated with an NULL character. A string must be sized large enough to include this terminator.
If declared in a SUB or FUNCTION, the variable will be local in scope. Locally declared dynamic strings must exist on the base level of the SUB or FUNCTION. They must not be declared inside any IF...ENDIF, FOR...NEXT, SELECT...END SELECT, or LOOP structures. The most appropriate place for these statements is immediately after the SUB or FUNCTION declaration.
Although it is perfectly legal to declare GLOBAL dynamic strings within a FUNCTION or SUB procedure, it is best if the string is declared in the initialization section of the program and REDIM then is used to modify the size of the string in the procedure. Be sure to FREE the memory allocated for the GLOBAL dynamic string when it is no longer needed.
GLOBAL Z$ * 1000 ' Z$ is global SUB FOO DIM a$ * 1000 ' a$ is LOCAL with automatic Free LOCAL b$ * 1000 ' b$ is LOCAL with automatic Free GLOBAL c$ * 1000, d$ * 1000 ' c$ and d$ are global DoSomeThing() FREE c$ ' GLOBAL MUST be freed before exit FREE d$ ' GLOBAL MUST be freed before exit END SUB
Declaring Dynamic Strings outside a SUB or FUNCTION
Creating a dynamic variable using DIM or GLOBAL outside a SUB or FUNCTION will create a GLOBAL dynamic string.
Dynamic strings outside a SUB or FUNCTION procedure can be declared with the following syntaxes:
Syntax DIM DynStrVar$ * 2048 Purpose:
GLOBAL Buffar$ * lenbuf Purpose:
Dynamically declared string and array variables can be cleared
and resized, increasing or decreasing a variable's size, using the
☞ In GUI programs, a
dynamic string must be declared inside a BEGIN
EVENTS ... END EVENTS structure or inside a FUNCTION or
a SUB procedure.
☞ When using $NOMAIN
Purpose: The BEGINBLOCK ... ENDBLOCK statements allow BCX to limit the scope of allocated varibles. A BEGINBLOCK statement is placed before the section to which you want to limit the scope and an ENDBLOCK statement specifies the end of the scope limited section.
Syntax: BEGINBLOCK Variables defined here will be limited in scope to the section between the BEGINBLOCK ... ENDBLOCK statements. ENDBLOCK |
DIM sProg$ sProg$ = "This Program will show two MSGBOXs with different results" & CRLF$ sProg$ = sProg$ & "DIM i" & CRLF$ sProg$ = sProg$ & "i = 2" & CRLF$ sProg$ = sProg$ & "BEGINBLOCK" & CRLF$ sProg$ = sProg$ & "DIM i" & CRLF$ sProg$ = sProg$ & "i = 5" & CRLF$ sProg$ = sProg$ & "MSGBOX " & ENC$("i =") & " & STR$(i)" & CRLF$ sProg$ = sProg$ & "ENDBLOCK" & CRLF$ sProg$ = sProg$ & "MSGBOX " & ENC$("i =") & " & STR$(i)" & CRLF$ MSGBOX sProg$ DIM i i = 2 BEGINBLOCK DIM i i = 5 MSGBOX "i =" & STR$(i) ENDBLOCK MSGBOX "i =" & STR$(i)Declaring and Dimensioning Arrays
As with BCX common variables, an array declaration is made, most commonly, using this syntax.
DIM ArrayName[NumberOfElements] AS DataType
An array declaration also can be made, with a forward propagation of variable type, using this syntax
DIM AS DataType ArrayName[NumberOfElements]
In a declaration without a data type as, for example,
DIM ArrayName[NumberOfElements]
the array is considered to be an INTEGER data type.
Any BCX sigil (%, !, # or $) can be used to indicate the data type of the array as, for example, the % sigil appended to ArrayName
DIM ArrayName%[NumberOfElements]
specifies that the array is to be declared as an INTEGER data type.
[ ]
not parentheses,
( )are used for delimiting array dimensions and elements.
DIM TheArray[10]a one dimensional array of 10 elements, indexed from TheArray[0] to TheArray[9] will be created for data storage.
A one dimensional array can be declared using this syntax. DIM AS DataType TheArray[NumberOfElements] Example: One dimensional array. DIM AS INTEGER TheArray[10] TheArray[0] = 1 TheArray[1] = 2 TheArray[2] = 3 TheArray[3] = 4 TheArray[4] = 5 TheArray[5] = 6 TheArray[6] = 7 TheArray[7] = 8 TheArray[8] = 9 TheArray[9] = 10 FOR INTEGER i = 0 TO 9 PRINT TheArray[i] NEXT i Result: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The following code shows the syntax for a two dimensional array DIM AS DataType TheArray[NumberOfElements,NumberOfElements2] which also can be declared using this syntax. DIM AS DataType TheArray[NumberOfElements][NumberOfElements2] Example: Two dimensional array. DIM AS INTEGER TheArray[3,3] TheArray[0, 0] = 1 TheArray[0, 1] = 2 TheArray[0, 2] = 3 TheArray[1, 0] = 4 TheArray[1, 1] = 5 TheArray[1, 2] = 6 TheArray[2, 0] = 7 TheArray[2, 1] = 8 TheArray[2, 2] = 9 FOR INTEGER i = 0 TO 2 FOR INTEGER i2 = 0 TO 2 PRINT TheArray[i, i2] NEXT i2 NEXT i Result: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
Initialization of Arrays
The elements of an array can be initialized, that is, given a value, at the time of declaration by using a brace-enclosed list of comma-separated constant expressions.
☞ There is a length limitation of 128 bytes for the total length of the initializers list between the first brace "{" and the final brace "}". For arrays containing larger sets of elements, use the SET ... END SET statements.
Example 1: The one-dimensional array definition in this example is a completely initialized demonstration of this technique.
DIM AS INTEGER TheArray[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} FOR INTEGER i = 0 TO 9 PRINT "TheArray%[", STR$(i%, 1), "] = ", TheArray%[i] NEXT i
TheArray%[0] = 1 TheArray%[1] = 2 TheArray%[2] = 3 TheArray%[3] = 4 TheArray%[4] = 5 TheArray%[5] = 6 TheArray%[6] = 7 TheArray%[7] = 8 TheArray%[8] = 9 TheArray%[9] = 10
Example 2: Here is a two-dimensional array demonstration of this technique.
DIM AS INTEGER TheArray[2,5] = {{1,2,3,4,5},{6,7,8,9,10}} FOR INTEGER i = 0 TO 1 FOR INTEGER i2 = 0 TO 4 PRINT "TheArray%[", STR$(i, 1), ",", STR$(i2, 1),"] = ", TheArray[i, i2] NEXT i2 NEXT i
TheArray%[0,0] = 1 TheArray%[0,1] = 2 TheArray%[0,2] = 3 TheArray%[0,3] = 4 TheArray%[0,4] = 5 TheArray%[1,0] = 6 TheArray%[1,1] = 7 TheArray%[1,2] = 8 TheArray%[1,3] = 9 TheArray%[1,4] = 10
Example 3: And this is a three-dimensional array demonstration of this technique.
DIM AS INTEGER TheArray[2,3,5] = _ { _ { {1,2,3,4,5}, {6,7,8,9,10}, {11,12,13,14,15} }, _ { {16,17,18,19,20}, {21,22,23,24,25}, {26,27,28,29,30} } _ } FOR INTEGER i = 0 TO 1 FOR INTEGER i2 = 0 TO 2 FOR INTEGER i3 = 0 TO 4 PRINT "TheArray%[", STR$(i, 1), ",", STR$(i2, 1), ",", STR$(i3, 1),"] = ", TheArray[i, i2, i3] NEXT i2 NEXT i3 NEXT i
TheArray%[0,0,0] = 1 TheArray%[0,0,1] = 2 TheArray%[0,0,2] = 3 TheArray%[0,0,3] = 4 TheArray%[0,0,4] = 5 TheArray%[0,1,0] = 6 TheArray%[0,1,1] = 7 TheArray%[0,1,2] = 8 TheArray%[0,1,3] = 9 TheArray%[0,1,4] = 10 TheArray%[0,2,0] = 11 TheArray%[0,2,1] = 12 TheArray%[0,2,2] = 13 TheArray%[0,2,3] = 14 TheArray%[0,2,4] = 15 TheArray%[1,0,0] = 16 TheArray%[1,0,1] = 17 TheArray%[1,0,2] = 18 TheArray%[1,0,3] = 19 TheArray%[1,0,4] = 20 TheArray%[1,1,0] = 21 TheArray%[1,1,1] = 22 TheArray%[1,1,2] = 23 TheArray%[1,1,3] = 24 TheArray%[1,1,4] = 25 TheArray%[1,2,0] = 26 TheArray%[1,2,1] = 27 TheArray%[1,2,2] = 28 TheArray%[1,2,3] = 29 TheArray%[1,2,4] = 30
Example 4: shows a partially initialized one dimensional array.
DIM TheArray%[3] = { 2, 4 } PRINT "TheArray%[0] =", TheArray%[0] PRINT "TheArray%[1] =", TheArray%[1] PRINT "TheArray%[2] =", TheArray%[2]
TheArray%[0] = 2 TheArray%[1] = 4 TheArray%[2] = 0
Example 5: shows how to specify which elements of an array are to be initialized.
DIM TheArray%[3] = { [0] = 2, [2] = 8 } PRINT "TheArray%[0] =", TheArray%[0] PRINT "TheArray%[1] =", TheArray%[1] PRINT "TheArray%[2] =", TheArray%[2]
TheArray%[0] = 2 TheArray%[1] = 0 TheArray%[2] = 8
Example 6: shows how to initialize elements of an array in which the index size is not specified.
DIM TheArray%[ ] = { 2, 4, 8 } PRINT "TheArray%[0] =", TheArray%[0] PRINT "TheArray%[1] =", TheArray%[1] PRINT "TheArray%[2] =", TheArray%[2]
Because no index size was specified for array2%, three initialized elements are defined by the compiler.
TheArray%[0] = 2 TheArray%[1] = 4 TheArray%[2] = 8
Example 7: shows how to use variables as elements in an array in which both the array and the element variables have global scope. The example also shows how to access the values efficiently using the CRT function "memmove", which is wrapped into a macro.
DIM Ind0 DIM Ind1 DIM Ind2 DIM RAW TheArray[3]= {&Ind0, &Ind1, &Ind2} AS LPVOID Ind0 = 1 Ind1 = 2 Ind2 = 3 CALL Ordinate() SUB Ordinate () DIM i AS INTEGER STORE(i,TheArray[0]) : PRINT i STORE(i,TheArray[1]) : PRINT i STORE(i,TheArray[2]) : PRINT i END SUB MACRO STORE(src,des) memmove(&src,des,SIZEOF(src))
1 2 3
FILLARRAY function
Purpose: FILLARRAY will fill an INTEGER, SINGLE, DOUBLE, or LDOUBLE data type array with values from a comma separated string.
Syntax: RetVal = FILLARRAY(InputStr AS STRING, _ vt_ArrayType AS INTEGER, _ MaxCnt AS INTEGER, _ Array) Return Value:
Parameters: |
DIM in$, i, j, k, y, f# DIM d#[20,20] 'Create a test file(normally this file would be created by some other program) OPEN "test.data" FOR OUTPUT AS FP1 FPRINT FP1, "1.1,3.3,5.5,7.7,9.9,11.11" FPRINT FP1, "1.2,4.3,6.5,8.6,9.9,11.11" FPRINT FP1, "5.2,4.4,6.4,3.7,2.9,12.11" FPRINT FP1, "3.2,1.4,4.6,3.8,3.9,12.13" FPRINT FP1, "4.2,2.4,6.4,3.5,2.9,10.11" FPRINT FP1, "2.6,1.2,4.5,9.1,7.9,10.01" CLOSE FP1 OPEN "test.data" FOR INPUT AS FP1 j = 20 i = 0 WHILE NOT EOF(FP1) LINE INPUT FP1, in$ y = FILLARRAY(in$, vt_DOUBLE, j, &(d#[i,0])) i++ WEND CLOSE FP1 PRINT "Input Matrix" FOR i = 0 TO 5 FOR j = 0 TO 5 PRINT USING$("###.### " ,d#[i,j]); NEXT PRINT NEXT FOR i = 0 TO 4 IF d#[i,i] = 0 THEN FOR k = i+1 TO 5 IF d#[k,i] <> 0.0 THEN EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF k > 5 THEN EXIT FOR END IF FOR j = 0 TO 5 SWAP d#[i,j], d#[k,j] NEXT END IF FOR j = i+1 TO 5 f# = -d#[j,i]/d#[i,i] FOR k = i TO 5 d#[j,k] = d#[j,k] + f# * d#[i,k] IF ABS(d#[j,k]) < .00000001 THEN d#[j,k] = 0.0 NEXT NEXT NEXT PRINT PRINT "Transformed Matrix" FOR k = 0 TO 5 FOR j = 0 TO 5 PRINT USING$("####.### ", d#[k, j]); NEXT PRINT NEXT f# = 1. FOR i = 0 TO 5 f# = f# * d#[i,i] NEXT PRINT PRINT "Determinate = "; USING$("#####.#####", f#)
Input Matrix 1.1000 3.3000 5.5000 7.7000 9.9000 11.1100 1.2000 4.3000 6.5000 8.6000 9.9000 11.1100 5.2000 4.4000 6.4000 3.7000 2.9000 12.1100 3.2000 1.4000 4.6000 3.8000 3.9000 12.1300 4.2000 2.4000 6.4000 3.5000 2.9000 10.1100 2.6000 1.2000 4.5000 9.1000 7.9000 10.0100 Transformed Matrix 1.1000 3.3000 5.5000 7.7000 9.9000 11.1100 0.0000 0.7000 0.5000 0.2000 -0.9000 -1.0100 0.0000 0.0000 -11.6000 -29.5000 -58.3000 -56.5700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -2.1611 -7.5852 -4.9904 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.1363 -1.2320 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -16.8836 Determinate = -1,348.03105
BCX Console Sample Programs using FILLARRAY function.
BYTE_AT macro
If referencing by pointer a location in a string element of an array of strings, the BYTE_AT macro must be used. For example:
DIM A$[5] : A$[3] = "FUN!" IF BYTE_AT(A[3][0]) = ASC("F") THEN PRINT "TRUE"
☞ While BCX will translate the following code witout error, the output C code will not compile.
DIM A$[5] : A$[3] = "FUN!" IF A[3][0] = ASC("F") THEN PRINT "TRUE"
DYNAMIC arrays
DYNAMIC arrays can be any data type and may be global or local. DYNAMIC arrays differ from static arrays in that DYNAMIC arrays can be resized by using REDIM.
Syntax: DIM DYNAMIC A[10,10] Purpose: Allocates a two dimensional array of integers Syntax: DIM DYNAMIC B![10,10] Purpose: Allocates a two dimensional array of single floating point numbers Syntax: DIM DYNAMIC C#[10,10] Purpose: Allocates a two dimensional array of double floating point numbers Syntax: DIM DYNAMIC D$[10,10] Purpose: Allocates a two dimensional 10 by 10 array of 2048 byte strings Syntax: DIM DYNAMIC E[10,10] AS CHAR Purpose: Allocates an single dimensioned array of 10 10 byte strings
The default string length of each element in a DYNAMIC string array is 2048 bytes, consistent with the rest of BCX. However, the default can be overridden by adding the AS CHAR data type qualifier. This causes the second parameter to define the string length of each element, similiar to declaring static string arrays:
Default: DIM DYNAMIC A$[1000] ' 2048 bytes per cell User defined: DIM DYNAMIC A$[1000,80] AS CHAR ' 80 bytes per cell
GLOBAL DYNAMIC arrays must be deallocated using
FREE ArrayName
LOCAL DYNAMIC arrays in most instances are automatically freed. However, one exception to this is that when they are declared within a FUNCTION MAIN() under a $NOMAIN directive.
☞ When declaring a DYNAMIC array of files, the data type must be specified AS FILE PTR.☞ When dimensioning a DYNAMIC array, do not append a % sigil to an array index subscript variable name.
is legal, but
is not legal and will cause compiler errors.
☞ When dimensioning a DYNAMIC array,
using a floating point variable as an index subscript in an array
will result in undefined behavior.
☞ In GUI programs, when declaring a DYNAMIC array, the DIM DYNAMIC, LOCAL DYNAMIC, or GLOBAL DYNAMIC statement must appear inside a BEGIN EVENTS ... END EVENTS structure or inside a FUNCTION or a SUB. A good place to do this would be in the SUB FORMLOAD or a dedicated initialization procedure.
If a GLOBAL DYNAMIC array is to be used inside a FUNCTION or a SUB, it is best if the array is declared in the initialization section of the program and REDIM then is used to modify the size of the array in the procedure.
Here is a program that demonstrates resizing a DYNAMIC array.
CLS DIM DYNAMIC Buffer$[7,5] AS CHAR 'Seven cells, 5 bytes each FOR INTEGER i = 0 TO 6 Buffer$[i] = "No" & STR$(i) PRINT Buffer$[i] NEXT ? "******************" ? "Resizing ..." ? "******************" REDIM Buffer$[20,10] AS CHAR 'twenty cells, 10 bytes each FOR INT i = 0 TO 19 Buffer$[i] = "No" & STR$(i) PRINT Buffer$[i] NEXT FREE Buffer KEYPRESS
No 0 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 ****************** Resizing ... ****************** No 0 No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 No 7 No 8 No 9 No 10 No 11 No 12 No 13 No 14 No 15 No 16 No 17 No 18 No 19
OPTION BASE directive
The default lower bound for an index in a user defined array in
a BCX program, normally 0, can be set to another value using the
BASE directive.
☞ Arrays defined in the runtime functions
such as SPLIT and DSPLIT
cannot use the value set by OPTION BASE
but always will use the BCX default lower bound of 0.
Syntax: OPTION BASE Number AS INTEGER Parameters:
Here are a few comments and a small sample explaining how BCX treats this directive.
OPTION BASE works with static and dynamic arrays. Whenever BCX detects an OPTION BASE directive, BCX sets a global integer variable named "OptionBase" to the size of the OPTION BASE. This process can be seen in the following snippet from the BCX translator:
IF L_Stk_1$ = "option" AND L_Stk_2$ = "base" THEN OptionBase = VAL(Stk$[3]) Ndx = 0 EXIT SUB END IF
Later on in the translation process, this code takes over:
IF OptionBase THEN IF Stk$[i] = "[" THEN Stk$[i] = "[" & LTRIM$(STR$(OptionBase)) & "+" END IF
This means that you can use numerous OPTION BASE directives in your BCX source code. The thing to remember is that the current OPTION BASE value is a function of its location (line number) in your BASIC source code. Also remember that BCX reads source code in a linear manner, including BASIC source files that are merged into your main BASIC source code file using the $INCLUDE directive.
Example 1:
OPTION BASE 20 GLOBAL MyStrings$[10] ' Translated to MyStrings[30][2048] GUI "OpBase" SUB FORMLOAD DIM F AS CONTROL F = BCX_FORM("Option Base") CENTER(F) SHOW(F) OPTION BASE 1 DIM a[10] ' Translated to a[11] END SUB OPTION BASE 0 SUB FOO DIM b[10] ' Translated to b[10] END SUB SUB MOO OPTION BASE 5 DIM c[10] ' Translated to c[15] END SUB BEGIN EVENTS END EVENTS
Here is an example using a DYNAMIC array.
OPTION BASE 1 DIM DYNAMIC A$[5] FOR INTEGER I = 1 TO 5 A$[I] = "A$[] ... THIS IS LINE " & STR$(I) PRINT A$[I] NEXT FREE A$ ' Release memory back to the operating system FREE A$ ' An intentional error -- BCX handles it automatically CALL FOO_TEST SUB FOO_TEST () DIM RAW E = 5 DIM DYNAMIC A$[E] DIM DYNAMIC B$[E] DIM DYNAMIC C$[E] DIM DYNAMIC D$[E] PRINT "Storing Items In A$[]" FOR INTEGER I = 1 TO E A$[I] = "A$[] ... THIS IS LINE " & STR$(I) NEXT PRINT "Storing Items In B$[]" FOR INTEGER I = 1 TO E B$[I] = "B$[] ... THIS IS LINE " & STR$(I) NEXT PRINT "Storing Items In C$[]" FOR INTEGER I = 1 TO E C$[I] = "C$[] ... THIS IS LINE " & STR$(I) NEXT PRINT "Storing Items In D$[]" FOR INTEGER I = 1 TO E D$[I] = "D$[] ... THIS IS LINE " & STR$(I) NEXT FOR INTEGER I = 1 TO E PRINT A$[I] PRINT B$[I] PRINT C$[I] PRINT D$[I] NEXT END SUB
A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 1 A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 2 A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 3 A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 4 A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 5 Storing Items In A$[] Storing Items In B$[] Storing Items In C$[] Storing Items In D$[] A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 1 B$[] ... THIS IS LINE 1 C$[] ... THIS IS LINE 1 D$[] ... THIS IS LINE 1 A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 2 B$[] ... THIS IS LINE 2 C$[] ... THIS IS LINE 2 D$[] ... THIS IS LINE 2 A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 3 B$[] ... THIS IS LINE 3 C$[] ... THIS IS LINE 3 D$[] ... THIS IS LINE 3 A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 4 B$[] ... THIS IS LINE 4 C$[] ... THIS IS LINE 4 D$[] ... THIS IS LINE 4 A$[] ... THIS IS LINE 5 B$[] ... THIS IS LINE 5 C$[] ... THIS IS LINE 5 D$[] ... THIS IS LINE 5
For another example of using OPTION BASE see S145.bas.
UBOUND function
Purpose: UBOUND will return the largest index value of a STATIC or DYNAMIC array subscript. UBOUND is useful, in particular, for calculating the size of array SET ... END SET data.
Syntax 1: RetVal = UBOUND(ArrayName) Return Value:
UBOUND relies on the C/C++ preprocessor's ability to determine whether the UBOUND argument is a STATIC or a DYNAMIC array. One case where this determination becomes impossible is when UBOUND is used in a MACRO, for example,
MACRO pSTYLE_(style) = style, UBOUND(style)
in which a dependent MACRO set is used inside another MACRO. In this cirumstance neither the C/C++ preprocessor nor the BCX Translator is capable of determining whether
refers to a STATIC or a DYNAMIC array.
☞ It is, therefore, up to the coder to determine if the array is STATIC and use the UBOUND_S function or if the array is DYNAMIC use the UBOUND_D function
Example 1:
TYPE foo member_1 AS INTEGER member_2 AS SINGLE member_3 AS DOUBLE END TYPE DIM DYNAMIC AAA [10] AS foo ' This is a dynamic array - the number of cell CAN be REDIM. DIM DYNAMIC BBB [20] AS INTEGER ' --- Ditto --- DIM DYNAMIC CCC [30] AS SINGLE ' --- Ditto --- DIM DYNAMIC DDD [40] AS DOUBLE ' --- Ditto --- '===================================================================================================== DIM EEE [50] AS ULONGLONG ' This is a static array - the number of cells CANNOT be REDIM. DIM FFF [60] AS STRING ' --- Ditto --- PRINT "AAA [10] Cells run from 0 to ", UBOUND (AAA) PRINT "BBB [20] Cells run from 0 to", UBOUND (BBB) PRINT "CCC [30] Cells run from 0 to", UBOUND (CCC) PRINT "DDD [40] Cells run from 0 to", UBOUND (DDD) PRINT "EEE [50] Cells run from 0 to", UBOUND (EEE) PRINT "FFF [60] Cells run from 0 to", UBOUND (FFF) PAUSE
AAA [10] Cells run from 0 to 9 BBB [20] Cells run from 0 to 19 CCC [30] Cells run from 0 to 29 DDD [40] Cells run from 0 to 39 EEE [50] Cells run from 0 to 49 FFF [60] Cells run from 0 to 59
Example 2:
TYPE Prov Abbreviation AS STRING ProvName AS STRING END TYPE SET Province[] AS Prov "AB", "Alberta", "BC", "British Columbia", "MB", "Manitoba", "NB", "New Brunswick", "NL", "Newfoundland", "NT", "Northwest Territories", "NS", "Nova Scotia", "NU", "Nunavut", "ON", "Ontario", "PE", "Prince Edward Island", "QC", "Quebec", "SK", "Saskatchewan", "YT", "Yukon Territory" END SET FOR SIZE_T TheLoop = 0 TO UBOUND(Province) PRINT Province[TheLoop].Abbreviation NEXT PAUSE
AB BC MB NB NL NT NS NU ON PE QC SK YT Press any key to continue . . .
UBOUND_S function
Purpose: UBOUND_S will return the largest index value of a STATIC array subscript.
Syntax 1: RetVal = UBOUND_S(ArrayName) Return Value:
☞ The coder must determine if the array is STATIC and use the UBOUND_S function or if the array is DYNAMIC use the UBOUND_D function
UBOUND relies on the C/C++ preprocessor's ability to determine whether the UBOUND argument is a STATIC or a DYNAMIC array. One case where this determination becomes impossible is when UBOUND is used in a MACRO, for example,
MACRO pSTYLE_(style) = style, UBOUND(style)
in which a dependent MACRO set is used inside another MACRO. In this cirumstance neither the C/C++ preprocessor nor the BCX Translator is capable of determining whether
refers to a STATIC or a DYNAMIC array.
UBOUND_D function
Purpose: UBOUND_D will return the largest index value of a DYNAMIC array subscript.
Syntax: RetVal = UBOUND_D(ArrayName) Return Value:
☞ The coder must determine if the array is STATIC and use the UBOUND_S function or if the array is DYNAMIC use the UBOUND_D function
UBOUND relies on the C/C++ preprocessor's ability to determine whether the UBOUND argument is a STATIC or a DYNAMIC array. One case where this determination becomes impossible is when UBOUND is used in a MACRO, for example,
MACRO pSTYLE_(style) = style, UBOUND(style)
in which a dependent MACRO set is used inside another MACRO. In this cirumstance neither the C/C++ preprocessor nor the BCX Translator is capable of determining whether
refers to a STATIC or a DYNAMIC array.
ISPTR macro
ISPTR is a macro that simply says, if this is a valid element belonging to a dynamic string array, return it, otherwise return zero. This eliminates the need to know how many elements are being passed to a SUB or FUNCTION.
STRARRAY data type-declaration
STRARRAY, instructs BCX to generate code specifying that a dynamic string array is being passed to a user defined SUB or FUNCTION.
DIM DYNAMIC Buf$ [10] Buf$[0] = "Zero" Buf$[1] = "One" Buf$[2] = "Two" Buf$[5] = "Five" CALL Foo(Buf$) SUB Foo (A$ AS STRARRAY) LOCAL i WHILE ISPTR(A$[i]) IF A$[i] > "" THEN PRINT A$[i] INCR i WEND END SUB
Zero One Two Five
PTR data type qualifier
Pointer variables can be created using the reserved keyword PTR.
Any of the integer, floating point or string data types listed above can be used with AS PTR appended to create a pointer variable of that data type. Here are two examples:
Syntax: DIM LOCAL a AS INTEGER PTR Purpose: Allocates space for a pointer to integer Syntax: DIM STATIC a AS SINGLE PTR Purpose: Allocates space for a pointer to single floating point number
PTR also can be used in SUB and FUNCTION parameter lists, for example,
DIM rct AS RECT rct.left = 1 rct.top = 2 rct.right = 100 rct.bottom = 100 rectProc(&rct) ' The argument being passed by reference ' must be preceded by an ampersand. PAUSE SUB rectProc (rct AS RECT PTR) ? rct->left ? rct->top ? rct->right ? rct->bottom END SUB
1 2 100 100
PTR PTR data type qualifier
Pointers to pointer variables can be created using the reserved keyword PTR PTR. Any of the integer, floating point or string data types listed above can be used with AS PTR PTR appended to create a a pointer to a pointer variable of that data type. Here are two examples:
Syntax: DIM LOCAL a AS INTEGER PTR PTR Purpose: Allocates space for a pointer to a pointer to integer Syntax: DIM STATIC a AS SINGLE PTR PTR Purpose: Allocates space for a pointer to a pointer to single floating point number
PTR PTR also can be used in SUB and FUNCTION parameter lists, for example,
DIM str1$ str1$ = "Hello worlds" DIM pstr1 AS CHAR PTR pstr1 = str1$ CALL Increment(&pstr1) PRINT pstr1$ SUB Increment (ppstr1 AS CHAR PTR PTR) ++*ppstr1 END SUB
ello worlds
REDIM statement
Purpose: Dynamically declared arrays and string variables can be cleared and resized, increasing or decreasing an array's size, using the REDIM statement.
Syntax 1: REDIM DynaString$ * Length AS INTEGER Parameters: |
Syntax 2: REDIM Array§[Index] Parameters:
Syntax 3: REDIM Array[Index] AS data type Parameters:
When REDIM is used, the values in the array or string
variable are not preserved because a new array is created.
☞ Although the number of elements in a
dimension can be altered, the number of dimensions cannot be changed, for example, a two dimensional array
cannot be changed to a three dimensional
array with REDIM.
Also, here is a warning to remember that when REDIM is used to resize a global variable in a function or subroutine, the initial declaration code must physically precede the code where REDIM is used. For example,
This is valid
SUB YaGood1 () GLOBAL DYNAMIC Buffer$[100] END SUB SUB YaGood2 REDIM Buffer$[200] END SUB
while this is not valid.
SUB NoGood1 () REDIM Buffer$[200] END SUB SUB NoGood2 GLOBAL DYNAMIC Buffer$[100] END SUB
Example 1: This example resizes a dynamic string.
DIM A$ * 14 A$ = "Hello, World!" PRINT A$ REDIM A$ * 26 A$ = REPEAT$(25,"A") PRINT A$ FREE A$
Example 2: This example resizes a single dimension array.
DIM DYNAMIC A$[10] REDIM A$[20] A$[19] = "Hello" PRINT A$[19]
Example 3: This example redimensions GLOBAL DYNAMIC global arrays within SUB procedures.
DIM DYNAMIC a [0] AS STRING DIM DYNAMIC b [0] AS DOUBLE DIM Cells CALL Resize_String(ADDRESSOF a) Cells = UBOUND_D(a) FOR INT i = 0 TO Cells IF LEN(a[i]) THEN PRINT a[i] NEXT PRINT Resize_Double(ADDRESSOF b) Cells = UBOUND_D(a) FOR INT i = 0 TO Cells IF b[i] THEN PRINT b[i] NEXT PAUSE SUB Resize_String (BYREF R AS CHAR PTR PTR) REDIM R$[10] FOR INT i = 0 TO 9 R$[i] = "" NEXT R$[0] = "this" R$[1] = "is" R$[2] = "a" R$[3] = "very" R$[4] = "good" R$[5] = "test" END SUB SUB Resize_Double (BYREF R AS DOUBLE PTR) REDIM R[10] FOR INT i = 0 TO 9 R[i] = 0 NEXT R[0] = PI * 1 R[1] = PI * 2 R[2] = PI * 3 R[3] = PI * 4 END SUB
this is a very good test 3.14159265358979 6.28318530717959 9.42477796076938 12.5663706143592
Dynamically declared variables and arrays can be resized, increasing or decreasing the size of a dimension, with the contents of the object unchanged using the REDIM PRESERVE statement.
Syntax 1: REDIM PRESERVE DynaString$ * Length Parameters: |
Syntax 2: REDIM PRESERVE Array§[Index] Parameters:
Syntax 3: REDIM PRESERVE Array[Index] AS data type Parameters:
used, the values in the string or array variable are preserved up
to the lesser of the new and old sizes.
☞ Although the size of a dimension can be
altered, the number of dimensions cannot be
changed, for example, a two dimensional array cannot be changed to a three dimensional array with
REDIM PRESERVE supports all data types in both single and multiple dimension arrays.
Example 1: shows that data is preserved after REDIM PRESERVE has been applied to an array.
TYPE Foo A$ B$ END TYPE DIM DYNAMIC myfoo[3] AS Foo myfoo[2].A$ = "This is our initial data" myfoo[2].B$ = "prior to REDIM and is preserved." REDIM PRESERVE myfoo[9] myfoo[8].A$ = "This data has been added " myfoo[8].B$ = "after REDIM has been applied to the array." PRINT myfoo[2].A$ PRINT myfoo[2].B$ PRINT PRINT myfoo[8].A$ PRINT myfoo[8].B$
This is our initial data prior to REDIM and is preserved. This data has been added after REDIM has been applied to the array.
Example 2: This example resizes a dynamic string.
DIM b$ * 11 b$ = "1234567890" ? b$ REDIM b$ * 15 b$ = b$ & "ABCD" ? b$ REDIM PRESERVE b$ * 21 b$ = b$ & "EFGHIJKLMNOPQRST" ? b$
Example 3: This example resizes a single dimension array.
DIM DYNAMIC a$[4] a$[0] = "This" a$[1] = "is" a$[2] = "a" a$[3] = "test" ? "Initial values" ? "a$[0] = ", a$[0] ? "a$[1] = ", a$[1] ? "a$[2] = ", a$[2] ? "a$[3] = ", a$[3] REDIM PRESERVE a$[6] a$[4] = "that shows the above" a$[5] = "contents preserved." ? "After REDIM PRESERVE" ? "a$[0] = ", a$[0] ? "a$[1] = ", a$[1] ? "a$[2] = ", a$[2] ? "a$[3] = ", a$[3] ? "a$[4] = ", a$[4] ? "a$[5] = ", a$[5] REDIM a$[10] a$[6] = "the contents above" a$[7] = "are not preserved." ? "After REDIM" ? "a$[0] = ", a$[0] ? "a$[1] = ", a$[1] ? "a$[2] = ", a$[2] ? "a$[3] = ", a$[3] ? "a$[4] = ", a$[4] ? "a$[5] = ", a$[5] ? "a$[6] = ", a$[6] ? "a$[7] = ", a$[7]
Initial values a$[0] = This a$[1] = is a$[2] = a a$[3] = test After REDIM PRESERVE a$[0] = This a$[1] = is a$[2] = a a$[3] = test a$[4] = that shows the above a$[5] = contents preserved. After REDIM a$[0] = a$[1] = a$[2] = a$[3] = a$[4] = a$[5] = a$[6] = the contents above a$[7] = are not preserved.
Example 4: This example resizes a multiple dimension array.
GLOBAL DYNAMIC a[6,7,4,4] AS INTEGER a[0,0,0,0] = 4 a[1,1,0,0] = 1 a[2,2,1,0] = 3 a[3,3,0,0] = 2 ? a[0,0,0,0] ? a[1,1,0,0] ? a[2,2,1,0] ? a[3,3,0,0] REDIM PRESERVE a[7,7,4,4] AS INTEGER ? a[0,0,0,0] ? a[1,1,0,0] ? a[2,2,1,0] ? a[3,3,0,0] REDIM a[5,5,4,4] AS INTEGER ? a[0,0,0,0] ? a[1,1,0,0] ? a[2,2,1,0] ? a[3,3,0,0] PAUSE
4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 0 0 0 0
$GENFREE directive
To free all global variables place the $GENFREE directive at the beginning of the program then CALL FREEGLOBALS from the point at which the global variables are to be freed.
Here is a complete example.
$GENFREE GLOBAL DYNAMIC aa$[100] AS CHAR DIM DYNAMIC bb$[100] AS CHAR aa$ = REPEAT$(20, "aa$") bb$ = REPEAT$(20, "bb$") PRINT "Before FREEGLOBALS" PRINT "aa$ = ", aa$ PRINT "bb$ = ", bb$ CALL x() CALL FREEGLOBALS PRINT " " PRINT "After FREEGLOBALS" PRINT "aa$ = ", aa$ PRINT "bb$ = ", bb$ PRINT "cc$ = ", dd$ PRINT "dd$ = ", dd$ SUB x () GLOBAL DYNAMIC cc$[100] AS CHAR GLOBAL dd$ * 100 cc$ = REPEAT$(20, "cc$") dd$ = REPEAT$(20, "dd$") PRINT "cc$ = ", cc$ PRINT "dd$ = ", dd$ END SUB
Before FREEGLOBALS aa$ = aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$aa$ bb$ = bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$bb$ cc$ = cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$cc$ dd$ = dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$dd$ After FREEGLOBALS aa$ = (null) bb$ = (null) cc$ = (null) dd$ = (null)
$TYPEDEF directive
$TYPEDEF <simple one line C/C++ typedef>
translates to:
typedef long(CALLBACK *CPP_FARPROC)(char *);User Defined TYPE
BCX supports individual and arrays of User Defined Types.
It is important to remember, when declaring a string within a user defined TYPE, that BCX uses C strings which are terminated with a single byte NULL terminator character to mark the end of the string. All BCX strings must be sized large enough to include this terminator. For example, if a string contains 15 characters then it must be sized to at least 16 bytes.
A SUB can be included in a user defined TYPE, as can a FUNCTION, however, OVERLOADED or OPTIONAL FUNCTION or SUB procedures are NOT allowed in a user defined type structure.
BCX versions up to 7.8.8 automatically created a structure
pointer by prepending *LP to the upper-case name of your user
defined TYPE.
For example, this BCX code,
TYPE Spc self AS VOID* parent AS VOID* child AS VOID* daDaTa AS VOID* mtbl AS VOID* END TYPE
produces this C structure
typedef struct _Spc { VOID* self; VOID* parent; VOID* child; VOID* daDaTa; VOID* mtbl; }SPC, *LPSPC;
☞ Since BCX version 7.8.9, an additional user defined TYPE structure pointer is created with "_PTR" appended to the upper-case name of the user defined TYPE. The C translation from the above BCX example, would be
typedef struct _Spc { VOID* self; VOID* parent; VOID* child; VOID* daDaTa; VOID* mtbl; }SPC, *LPSPC, *SPC_PTR;
The first example below shows how the BCX version 7.8.9 new user defined TYPE structure pointer can be used as a parameter argument passing the user defined TYPE structure into a subroutine. The example also demonstrates the BCX version 7.8.9 improved user defined scalar variable type detection and translation when not using the type-identifying sigils. The changes involved, primarily, affect the INPUT, FINPUT, and PRINT commands and expression parsing during translation.
Example 1:
TYPE FOO a AS DOUBLE b AS INT c AS STRING END TYPE DIM F AS FOO F.a = 1.123456789 F.b = 2 F.c = "Hello World" PRINT "These are our initial values:" PRINT F.a PRINT F.b PRINT F.c PRINT CALL TestUDT(ADDRESSOF(F)) PRINT PRINT "These were passed back from the SUB:" PRINT F.a PRINT F.b PRINT F.c PRINT SUB TestUDT (z AS FOO_PTR) DIM K AS FOO COPY_UDT(z, ADDRESSOF(K), SIZEOF(FOO)) ' Copy z contents to K PRINT "These were passed to this SUB" PRINT K.a PRINT K.b PRINT K.c PRINT INPUT "Enter a DOUBLE: ", K.a INPUT "Enter a INTEGER: ", K.b INPUT "Enter a STRING: ", K.c COPY_UDT(ADDRESSOF(K), z, SIZEOF(FOO)) ' Copy K contents to z END SUB SUB COPY_UDT (Source AS PVOID, Destination AS PVOID, Count AS INT) POKE(Destination, PEEK$(Source, Count), Count) END SUB
These are our initial values: 1.123456789 2 Hello World These were passed to this SUB 1.123456789 2 Hello World Enter a DOUBLE: 1.2345 Enter a INTEGER: 54321 Enter a STRING: Not a number. These were passed back from the SUB: 1.2345 54321 Not a number.
Example 2: Similar to Example 1: above, the following example demonstrates declaring, passing, and redimensioning a local array of User-Defined-Type inside a foreign SUB.
$BCXVERSION "8.1.2" CALL STEP_ONE() PAUSE END SUB STEP_ONE TYPE UDTFOO a AS DOUBLE b AS INT c AS STRING END TYPE LOCAL DYNAMIC F[1] AS UDTFOO ' This array is LOCAL to this SUB F[0].a = 1.123456789 F[0].b = 2 F[0].c = "Hello World" PRINT "These are our initial values:" PRINT F[0].a PRINT F[0].b PRINT F[0].c PRINT CALL STEP_TWO(F, UBOUND(F)) ' Pass info about our LOCAL array to another SUB PRINT PRINT "These were passed back from the SUB:" PRINT F[1].a ' newly added to the array PRINT F[1].b ' ditto PRINT F[1].c ' ditto PRINT END SUB SUB STEP_TWO (z[] AS UDTFOO, ub AS INT) PRINT "These were passed to SUB STEP_TWO" PRINT z[ub].a PRINT z[ub].b PRINT z[ub].c PRINT DIM RAW idx = ub + 1 REDIM PRESERVE z[ub + 1] AS UDTFOO ' Now re-dimension the array passed in from SUB ONE() INPUT "Enter a DOUBLE: ", z[idx].a INPUT "Enter an INTEGER: ", z[idx].b INPUT "Enter a STRING: ", z[idx].c END SUB
These are our initial values: 1.123456789 2 Hello World These were passed to SUB STEP_TWO 1.123456789 2 Hello World Enter a DOUBLE: 1.23456789 Enter an INTEGER: 98765 Enter a STRING: A String These were passed back from the SUB: 1.23456789 98765 A String Press any key to continue . . .
Example 3:
TYPE MYBOX Top% Left% Width% Height% Fill AS BOOL END TYPE DIM abc AS MYBOX abc.Top% = 100 abc.Left% = 300 abc.Width% = 100 abc.Height% = 100 abc.Fill = TRUE PRINT abc.Top% PRINT abc.Left% PRINT abc.Width% PRINT abc.Height% PRINT abc.Fill
100 300 100 100 1
Example 4:
TYPE MYREC B$ [2083] AS CHAR END TYPE DIM Test AS MYREC DIM A$ * 2083 A$ = "test string" Test.B$ = "Next" PRINT A$ PRINT Test.B$
test string Next
Example 5: Here is a short example in which a user defined type is used to return multiple values from a FUNCTION.
TYPE test a$[5] AS CHAR b$[5] AS CHAR END TYPE DIM x$ DIM v AS test x$ = "ABC and XYZ" v = dfunc(x$) PRINT v.a$ PRINT v.b$ FUNCTION dfunc (d$) AS test LOCAL f AS test f.a$ = LEFT$(d$,3) f.b$ = RIGHT$(d$,3) FUNCTION = f END FUNCTION
Example 6: Below is a variation of Example 5, on how to return multiple values from a function, that shows some additional techniques.
TYPE MyObject x AS INT y AS INT n[10] AS CHAR END TYPE GLOBAL p AS MyObject p = MyFunc() : PRINT p.x, SPC$, p.y, SPC$, p.n p = MyFunc(1) : PRINT p.x, SPC$, p.y, SPC, p.n p = MyFunc(2) : PRINT p.x, SPC$, p.y, SPC, p.n p = MyFunc(3) : PRINT p.x, SPC$, p.y, SPC, p.n PAUSE FUNCTION MyFunc (Opt = 0 AS INT) AS MyObject '*************************************** SELECT CASE Opt CASE 0 : p = (MyObject) { 0 } CASE 1 : p = (MyObject) { 1 } CASE 2 : p = (MyObject) { 1, 2 } CASE 3 : p = (MyObject) { 1, 2, "Bananas!" } END SELECT '*************************************** FUNCTION = p END FUNCTION
0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 Bananas! Press any key to continue . . .
Example 7: Here is a more complex program showing off multi-dimensional user defined TYPE, including a struct, RECT, within the TYPE.
TYPE QWERTY DIM a DIM b! DIM c$[80] AS CHAR DIM q AS RECT END TYPE GLOBAL MyType[10, 10, 10] AS QWERTY MyType[2, 3, 4].a = 1 MyType[2, 3, 4].b! = 2.345 MyType[2, 3, 4].c$ = "hello world from a poly-dimensional udt!" MyType[2, 3, 4].q.left = 6 MyType[2, 3, 4].q.top = 7 MyType[2, 3, 4].q.right = 8 MyType[2, 3, 4].q.bottom = 9 PRINT MyType[2, 3, 4].a PRINT MyType[2, 3, 4].b! PRINT UCASE$(MyType[2, 3, 4].c$) PRINT MyType[2, 3, 4].q.left PRINT MyType[2, 3, 4].q.top PRINT MyType[2, 3, 4].q.right PRINT MyType[2, 3, 4].q.bottom
Example 8: Using the WITH ... END WITH control flow statement, the multi-dimensional user defined types Example 5 above can be written as follows.
TYPE QWERTY DIM a DIM b! DIM c$ [80] AS CHAR END TYPE GLOBAL MyType [10,10,10] AS QWERTY WITH MyType[2,3,4] .a = 1 .b! = 2.345 .c$ = "hello world from a poly-dimensional udt!" PRINT .a PRINT .b! PRINT UCASE$(.c$) END WITH
Example 9: Here is an example demonstrating dynamic memory allocation of the members in a user defined type.
TYPE NODE_TYP id AS INTEGER 'element number name$[32] AS CHAR 'Storage area A1 AS CHAR PTR 'Storage area determined at run-time A2 AS CHAR PTR 'Storage area determined at run-time A3 AS CHAR PTR 'Storage area determined at run-time next_node AS NODE_TYP PTR previous_node AS NODE_TYP PTR END TYPE DIM F AS NODE_TYP DIM X AS NODE_TYP PTR CALL AllocateStringSpace(&F, 100, 1000, 10000) F.A1 = "this holds 99" F.A2 = "this holds 999" F.A3 = "this holds 9999" ? F.A1$ ? F.A2$ ? F.A3$ F.next_node = AllocateNode() X = F.next_node CALL AllocateStringSpace(X, 1000, 2000, 80000) X->A1 = "this holds 999" X->A2 = "this holds 1999" X->A3 = "this holds 79999" ? X->A1$ ? X->A2$ ? X->A3$ PAUSE SUB AllocateStringSpace (Node AS NODE_TYP PTR, _ A1Length AS LONG, _ A2Length AS LONG, _ A3Length AS LONG) ! Node->A1 = (PTCHAR)calloc(1,A1Length); ! Node->A2 = (PTCHAR)calloc(1,A2Length); ! Node->A3 = (PTCHAR)calloc(1,A3Length); END SUB FUNCTION AllocateNode () AS NODE_TYP PTR ! return (NODE_TYP_PTR)calloc(1,sizeof(NODE_TYP)); END FUNCTION
this holds 99 this holds 999 this holds 9999 this holds 999 this holds 1999 this holds 79999
Example 10: Like Example 9, this example also demonstrates dynamic memory allocation of the members in a user defined type. The syntax in this example is much simpler because of new code introduced in BCX version 5.12 to allow the use of the DYNAMIC type qualifier a with member of a user defined type.
TYPE NODE_TYP id AS INTEGER 'element number name$[32] AS CHAR 'Storage area DYNAMIC A1$ 'Storage area determined at run-time DYNAMIC A2$ 'Storage area determined at run-time DYNAMIC A3$ 'Storage area determined at run-time DYNAMIC next_node[] AS NODE_TYP DYNAMIC prev_node[] AS NODE_TYP END TYPE DIM F AS NODE_TYP DIM X AS NODE_TYP PTR REDIM F.A1$ * 100 REDIM F.A2$ * 1000 REDIM F.A3$ * 10000 F.A1$ = "this holds 99" F.A2$ = "this holds 999" F.A3$ = "this holds 9999" ? F.A1$ ? F.A2$ ? F.A3$ REDIM F.next_node[1] X = &F.next_node[0] REDIM X->A1$ * 1000 REDIM X->A2$ * 2000 REDIM X->A3$ * 80000 X->A1$ = "this holds 999" X->A2$ = "this holds 1999" X->A3$ = "this holds 79999" ? X->A1$ ? X->A2$ ? X->A3$ PAUSE
Example 10: How to REDIM a dynamic array inside a user defined type.
TYPE First a$ b% END TYPE TYPE Second c% DIM Something AS First PTR END TYPE DIM i DIM DYNAMIC Third[0] AS Second 'need an array size [0] will do REDIM Third[6] Third[0].Something = calloc(10,SIZEOF(First)) FOR i = 0 TO 9 Third[0].Something[i].b% = i Third[0].Something[i].a$ = "this" + STR$(i) NEXT FOR i = 0 TO 9 ? Third[0].Something[i].b% ? Third[0].Something[i].a$ NEXT PAUSE
0 this 0 1 this 1 2 this 2 3 this 3 4 this 4 5 this 5 6 this 6 7 this 7 8 this 8 9 this 9
Example 12: Like Example 11, this example also demonstrates how to REDIM a dynamic array inside a user defined type. The syntax in this example is much simpler because of new code introduced in BCX version 5.12 to allow the use of the DYNAMIC type qualifier a with member of a user defined type.
TYPE First a$ b% END TYPE TYPE Second c% DYNAMIC Something[] AS First END TYPE DIM DYNAMIC Third[6] AS Second DIM i, ii FOR ii = 0 TO 5 REDIM Third[ii].Something[10] FOR i = 0 TO 9 Third[ii].Something[i].b% = i Third[ii].Something[i].a$ = "this is Something" + _ STR$(i) + _ " of Third" + _ STR$(ii) NEXT NEXT FOR ii = 0 TO 5 FOR i = 0 TO 9 ? Third[ii].Something[i].b% ? Third[ii].Something[i].a$ NEXT NEXT FOR ii = 0 TO 5 FREE Third[ii].Something NEXT FREE Third PAUSE
0 this is Something 0 of Third 0 1 this is Something 1 of Third 0 2 this is Something 2 of Third 0 3 this is Something 3 of Third 0 4 this is Something 4 of Third 0 5 this is Something 5 of Third 0 6 this is Something 6 of Third 0 7 this is Something 7 of Third 0 8 this is Something 8 of Third 0 9 this is Something 9 of Third 0 0 this is Something 0 of Third 1 1 this is Something 1 of Third 1 2 this is Something 2 of Third 1 3 this is Something 3 of Third 1 4 this is Something 4 of Third 1 5 this is Something 5 of Third 1 6 this is Something 6 of Third 1 7 this is Something 7 of Third 1 8 this is Something 8 of Third 1 9 this is Something 9 of Third 1 0 this is Something 0 of Third 2 1 this is Something 1 of Third 2 2 this is Something 2 of Third 2 3 this is Something 3 of Third 2 4 this is Something 4 of Third 2 5 this is Something 5 of Third 2 6 this is Something 6 of Third 2 7 this is Something 7 of Third 2 8 this is Something 8 of Third 2 9 this is Something 9 of Third 2 0 this is Something 0 of Third 3 1 this is Something 1 of Third 3 2 this is Something 2 of Third 3 3 this is Something 3 of Third 3 4 this is Something 4 of Third 3 5 this is Something 5 of Third 3 6 this is Something 6 of Third 3 7 this is Something 7 of Third 3 8 this is Something 8 of Third 3 9 this is Something 9 of Third 3 0 this is Something 0 of Third 4 1 this is Something 1 of Third 4 2 this is Something 2 of Third 4 3 this is Something 3 of Third 4 4 this is Something 4 of Third 4 5 this is Something 5 of Third 4 6 this is Something 6 of Third 4 7 this is Something 7 of Third 4 8 this is Something 8 of Third 4 9 this is Something 9 of Third 4 0 this is Something 0 of Third 5 1 this is Something 1 of Third 5 2 this is Something 2 of Third 5 3 this is Something 3 of Third 5 4 this is Something 4 of Third 5 5 this is Something 5 of Third 5 6 this is Something 6 of Third 5 7 this is Something 7 of Third 5 8 this is Something 8 of Third 5 9 this is Something 9 of Third 5
UNION ... END UNION statement
A UNION is similiar to a user defined TYPE but a UNION can hold the value of only one of its members at any one time but the active member can be changed at runtime and the UNION will then hold the value of the active member. The total size of a UNION is the size of the data type of its largest member.
In the sample below, you might think that the size of the UNION Foo would be 4 + 2048 + 4, counting the integer, the string and the single members of the UNION Foo, but that is not the case. The size of the UNION Foo will be the size of the largest member, that is, the string b$, which has a size of 2048 bytes.
UNION Foo a AS INTEGER b$ c AS SINGLE END UNION DIM Bloof AS Foo Bloof.a = 1 PRINT Bloof.a Bloof.b$ = "Hello, World!" PRINT Bloof.b$ PRINT Bloof.a Bloof.c! = 3.14159 PRINT Bloof.c!
1 Hello, World! 1819043144 3.14159
The result above shows that a UNION can hold the value of only one of its members at any one time. After Bloof.b$ has been been made the active member of the UNION, and assigned a string "Hello World", the original value of 1 assigned to the UNION member Bloof.a is no longer valid. The value, 1819043144, that PRINT Bloof.a then produces is a 32 bit integer representing, in little endian order, the first 4 bytes of the string "Hello World".
1819043144 = 0x6C6C6548 Hex 6C = ASCII l 6C = ASCII l 65 = ASCII e 48 = ASCII H
Here's another example. If you create a union like this:
UNION Blurf A$ B$ C$ END UNION DIM Quarf AS Blurf
you might think that the size of Quarf would be 3 x 2048 bytes but, in fact, it is only 1 x 2048 bytes, since a UNION can hold only one value at a time.
A UNION can hold any type of data, even other UNION or user defined types.
Example: TYPE and UNION can be nested as in the following program.
TYPE BE_CONFIG dwConfig AS DWORD UNION format TYPE mp3 dwSampleRate AS DWORD byMode AS BYTE wBitrate AS WORD bPrivate AS BOOL bCRC AS BOOL bCopyright AS BOOL bOriginal AS BOOL END TYPE TYPE aac dwSampleRate AS DWORD byMode AS BYTE wBitrate AS WORD byEncodingMethod AS BYTE END TYPE END UNION END TYPE DIM T AS BE_CONFIG T.format.mp3.byMode = 1 T.format.mp3.bPrivate = 2 T.format.aac.byEncodingMethod = 3 T.format.aac.dwSampleRate = 44100 PRINT T.format.mp3.byMode PRINT T.format.mp3.bPrivate PRINT T.format.aac.byEncodingMethod PRINT T.format.aac.dwSampleRate
1 3 3 44100